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Date: Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 11:27 AM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-AmIndian]: Poliandri on Cobb, 'Say We Are Nations:
Documents of Politics and Protest in Indigenous America since 1887'
To: h-rev...@h-net.msu.edu

Daniel M. Cobb.  Say We Are Nations: Documents of Politics and
Protest in Indigenous America since 1887.  H. Eugene and Lillian
Youngs Lehman Series. Chapel Hill  University of North Carolina
Press, 2015.  316 pp.  $32.50 (paper), ISBN 978-1-4696-2480-8.

Reviewed by Simone Poliandri (Bridgewater State University)
Published on H-AmIndian (September, 2017)
Commissioned by F. Evan Nooe

Documenting Indigenous Activism in America, 1887-2015

How have Native American activists, officers, and community leaders;
Native organizations; and Native intellectuals and academics
addressed, challenged, protested, or appealed to US and international
authorities to take responsibility, recognize, or act upon
sovereignty issues that affected specific Native communities or
Native peoples in general? Daniel M. Cobb takes up this question in
Say We Are Nations, an anthology of Native-authored primary sources
sampling the history of Native American political activism between
1887 and 2015. The author presents a blend of Native voices that
offer an alternative political view to the mainstream one on many
Native-related issues that have characterized the history of federal
Native policy and politics in this time span. These issues include
nation building, the recognition of sovereignty, the respect of
treaty rights, self-government, citizenship, land tenure, the
improvement of Native people's living conditions inside and outside
the reservations, racism and discrimination, identity, and social
justice. Cobb, an associate professor of American studies at the
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, grounds his expertise on
long-standing research about Native American activism that has
produced such works as his and Loretta Fowler's 2007 edited
collection _Beyond Red Power: American Indian Politics and Activism
since 1900_ and his 2008 _Native Activism in Cold War America: The
Struggle for Sovereignty_, which are known to scholars in the field,
thus making him qualified to tackle this topic.

_Say We Are Nations_ contains an acknowledgments section, brief
introduction, fifty-five documents, brief conclusion, endnotes,
bibliography, and index. The fifty-five documents that Cobb selected
are each a few pages long and are grouped into five chronologically
consecutive periods: the Dawes Act era of 1887-1924; the Indian
Reorganization Act (IRA) era of 1934-54; the termination,
urbanization, and civil rights era of 1954-68; the self-determination
era of 1969-94; and the present era, 1994-2015. This structure is
logical, effective, and reader-friendly. A longer introduction would
have allowed for a more robust framework to support the main content
of the volume; on the other hand, the author situates this work well
within the existing literature on the topic.

Cobb's stated goal for this volume is to employ reflexive and
intersubjective historiography--a recent methodological approach in
the humanities and social sciences that gives greater consideration
to the position of the author and the researcher-researched
relationships as integral parts of any scholarly product--to showcase
indigenized ideas, meanings, and perspectives on the history of
Native American politics and policies in order to provide an
"alternative narrative of Native activism" (p. 3). At the same time,
Cobb refrains from offering his own perspective on the documents, and
rather compels readers to engage in their own "intellectual
excavation ... and interpretive work" (pp. 5-6). The author opts for
an unguided direct read over a readily interpreted analysis of words
by Native activists and leaders, including Kanaka Maoli (Native
Hawaiian) Queen Lili'uokalani's 1899 appeal to US Congress to allow a
new constitution for the Kanaka Maoli Nation, Cayuga Chief Deskaheh's
1923 appeal to the League of Nations in Geneva against Canada's
aggressive assimilationist policy, Vine Deloria Jr.'s 1965 testimony
"We Were Here as Independent Nations" before the US Senate, and
chairperson of the Gwich'in Steering Committee Sarah Agnes James's
2011 call against oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife

The approach represents both a strength and a weakness of the book.
On the one hand, it constitutes a strength in that such greater
interpretive autonomy allows readers to create their own interpretive
threads in order to link the documents. Researchers will also
appreciate the selection of documents as well as the ample list of
additional references accompanying each chapter, which make this book
a valuable starting resource toward different research paths. Some of
the documents included in this collection--for instance, the National
Congress of American Indians' _Declaration of Indian Rights_ of 1954
and the Indians of All Tribes' _Manifesto_ of 1969--have widely
circulated among scholars in the field, while most of the others are
testimony of Cobb's meticulous archival research. On the other hand,
the author's "very low profile" necessarily, albeit unintentionally,
restricts the target audience to scholars of Native American, civil
rights, and governmental policy issues as well as their students,
while placing the book's scope somewhere beyond the full reach of
much of the general readership.

Each document is preceded by an introductory paragraph that places it
in its historical context, presents the author briefly, contains
endnotes with references to further materials, and ends with a
"consider how the author discusses..." sentence that loosely points
the reader toward an interpretive key of the themes presented.
Although useful for placing each document in its historical and
political context as well as introducing its authors, the limited
information contained in each introductory paragraph likely prevents
nonspecialist readers from capturing the full significance of each
contribution and requires them to engage in additional research to
understand it. Many of the book's points may get "lost in
translation" to the uninformed reader who might likely not possess
much, if any, knowledge of and background on key elements of the
post-1887 history of Native policies and activism, such as the Dawes
Act, the Cherokee Freedmen' case, the Indian New Deal, the Red Power
era, and the Cobell case, among others. Certainly, many general
readers may be compelled to make the effort, which then would serve
one of the main purposes of the book, namely, to stimulate readers'
interpretive paths. Yet the author may be overly optimistic in
trusting much of general readership to engage in additional, unguided
background research. Thus, the current format may run the risk of
falling onto unfertile land, thus diluting the power and purpose of
its message. Of course, this is generally not a problem for scholars
knowledgeable about Native American issues who can connect the dots
when those links are not ready-made. _Say We Are Nations_ appears to
be a resource best suited for both researchers and instructors of
undergraduate and graduate courses, as it provides a solid starting
point toward prolific, eye-opening discussions, when coupled with
further investigations, readings, and explanations.

On the bright side, the book is effective in inserting Native
activism in the fabric of national politics, thus underscoring its
relevance beyond the scope of the specific issue that each document
relates to. Interestingly, the book's release in 2015 preceded the
events related to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) crisis, one of
the principal forums where Native (alongside non-Native) activism has
manifested on a national scale in current times. One may say that
_Say We Are Nations_ provides a valuable framework to allow the
placing of the NODAPL movement, and all future struggle for Native
rights, in context with the centennial history of Native political

The documents reveal many different, sometimes opposing, views that
Native activists had on such themes as the US Citizenship Act and the
IRA. An example of this is the juxtaposition of Ho-Chunk reformer and
Indian Service employee Henry Roe Cloud's words in favor of the IRA
(chapter 10, "As One Indian to Another") with Lakota delegates from
Standing Rock and Rosebud in the Dakotas George White Bull and Oliver
Prue's opposite view on the act (chapter 11, "Fooled So Many Times")
in 1934. _Say We Are Nations_ is very effective in showcasing the
complexity and multidimensionality of Native political discourses.
The documents also reveal the change of tone--from early deference to
later cooperation, from skepticism to more recent confrontation--in
Native activists' actual or virtual engagement with Senate
committees, governmental agencies, and, more broadly, mainstream
America. Interestingly, Cobb also includes documents that address
less explored themes, such as the racism experienced by Native
peoples in Jim Crow's South, thus adding successfully to the
representation of Native political experiences in post-Dawes Act
America. The documents contained in this anthology highlight the
ability of Native leaders and authors to make use of Euro-American
principles, arguments, and political language to demonstrate the
inconsistencies, paradoxes, and irregularities in governmental
policies and actions directed to the Native American, Native
Hawaiian, and Alaska Native populations. The activists' numerous
invitations to the government to abide by its own principles of law
and legitimacy by respecting the signed treaties with tribal nations
is a recurrent example of this.

Among the strengths of this volume is also the successful attempt to
give voice to Native people and their representations of politics and
policies, which are often alternative, if not opposite, to the
mainstream ones. The book contributes to the ongoing academic and
extra-academic Native efforts to regain control of the historical
narrative that, until recently, has been the monopoly of the
government and the settler-colonial society.

One weakness of the book is the repetitive nature of some documents,
which sometimes offer just another example of the same idea or action
trend, thus dampening the reading flow and the reader's
self-interpretive effort. This is particularly evident if one
approaches this volume as a single narrative to be read from start to
finish. On the contrary, when seen as a collection of documents to be
retrieved independently, the volume's rich table of contents is a
valuable asset for research and education purposes.

Finally, there is a small point that many readers who are familiar
with Native American issues may likely catch. The map of Indigenous
America provided at the beginning of the book is incomplete, as it
only shows a partial number of the US-based tribal nations. In
addition, the author does not indicate how the reader should use this
map; thus, one can assume that it only serves the purpose of
providing a general geographic overview of Native presence in the
United States. In this format, though, the map is uninformative, at
best, and deceiving, at worst.

In sum, Cobb has produced a well-researched, valuable resource for
scholars and educators in history, anthropology, and Native American
studies. _Say We Are Nations_ is a useful start point for researchers
who explore Native activism, Native nationalism and nation building,
and the history of Native-government relations. It is also well
suited for adoption in Native American undergraduate and graduate
courses, and can fit well into American studies and civil rights
history syllabi. Given its format and organization, the book is only
valuable to general readers who are willing to perform additional
background research to both frame the documents in their historical
periods and understand their origin, authorship, purpose, context,
and outcomes. Because of this, _Say We Are Nations_ is a good read,
but not for everyone.

Citation: Simone Poliandri. Review of Cobb, Daniel M., _Say We Are
Nations: Documents of Politics and Protest in Indigenous America
since 1887_. H-AmIndian, H-Net Reviews. September, 2017.
URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=50078

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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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