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From: H-Net Staff <revh...@mail.h-net.msu.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 8:09 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-FedHist]: Schorman on Cecil, 'Branding Hoover's
FBI: How the Boss's PR Men Sold the Bureau to America'
To: h-rev...@h-net.msu.edu

Matthew Cecil.  Branding Hoover's FBI: How the Boss's PR Men Sold the
Bureau to America.  Lawrence  University Press of Kansas, 2016.  344
pp.  $29.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-7006-2305-1.

Reviewed by Rob Schorman (Miami University of Ohio Regionals)
Published on H-FedHist (October, 2017)
Commissioned by Caryn E. Neumann

Matthew Cecil, in Branding Hoover's FBI: How the Boss's PR Men Sold
the Bureau to America, lays out a case that the prestige and public
trust enjoyed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during
most of J. Edgar Hoover's tenure resulted not so much from the
agency's investigative prowess as from a finely tuned public
relations apparatus that began operation only a few years after the
term "public relations" was coined. As Cecil puts it: "The bureau
practiced, at an early stage in the development of the field,
sophisticated public relations techniques on a nationwide scale" (p.
15). Cecil sees the success of this effort as the achievement of
specific, talented individuals. He suggests that had they not been on
the scene, the agency would have fared much differently in the public
estimation from the mid-1930s to the mid-1960s, and that had they not
departed, the agency might have avoided its precipitous fall from
grace in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

In-depth coverage is given to the careers of both Louis Nichols and
Cartha "Deke" DeLoach, the two most prominent overseers of the
agency's PR efforts, the former from 1935 to 1957 and the latter from
1959 to 1970. Nichols established the template for agency policies,
and the book details the manner in which he led efforts to control
its image in popular radio shows, fought to head off critical
findings from a presidential commission, strategically leaked
information on alleged Communist sympathizers to force them from
public office, and recruited liberal "moles" to offer intelligence
about such organizations as the American Civil Liberties Union.
DeLoach followed the template but with a different style. Whereas
Nichols was a sometimes subtle manipulator of a vast network of media
contacts--both friend and foe--DeLoach focused his attention on
"managing upward" and influencing decision makers in the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), Justice Department, and White House (p.

Nichols and DeLoach are well-known figures, although their methods
have never been examined with such care. Perhaps even more valuable,
the book provides an equally detailed appraisal of the contributions
of agency staff members who are never more than bit players in
standard FBI histories. These include Milton Jones, who for almost
thirty years was personally responsible for maintaining the content
standards for thousands of letters, memos, speeches, articles, and
reports the agency produced, and Fern Stukenbroeker, who among other
things was the chief ghostwriter for publications that appeared under
Hoover's name, ranging from law journal articles to the best-selling
book _Masters of Deceit: The Story of Communism in America and How to
Fight It_ (1958), which sold more than two million copies. The book
includes readable character sketches of these people and many others
with whom they interacted, along with analysis of their activities.

Cecil's work has an impressive research base, most notably an
extensive review of the FBI's own files of correspondence, memos, and
handwritten notes. At its peak, the FBI department responsible for
public relations employed almost two hundred people and in a single
year responded to about seven thousand letters a month, placed dozens
of articles in national magazines, wrote hundreds of speeches and
official statements for bureau employees, and performed thousands of
"name checks" for the White House. For the network television series
_The FBI_ (1965-74), it rewrote scripts, vetted cast and crew members
(blackballing "subversives"), and had two agents permanently assigned
to the set while filming occurred. Censure, probation, demotion, and
reassignment were penalties imposed on agency personnel for offenses
as small as a typographical error on a letter that went out on the
agency's letterhead.

The book also covers the tsunami of criticism that led to a decline
in the FBI's reputation at the end of Hoover's tenure. By that time,
the health and vigor of Hoover and his top aide, Clyde Tolson, were
in decline, and Nichols and DeLoach had moved on. Cecil states: "It
seems likely that the Bureau could have weathered the kinds of public
relations challenges it faced in the late 1960s and early 1970s had
its leadership team been at full strength" (p. 252). I suppose that's
possible--certainly he provides examples of inept and inadequate
response by the agency during this period. He also notes, however,
that by the late 1960s the "FBI represented mainstream 1950s values
in a counterculture America" (p. 214), and one wonders if any PR
effort could have countered the rising suspicion and scrutiny of
public institutions that were fueled by civil rights and Vietnam
protests, the culture of scandal and investigative reporting that
began to permeate Washington media, and the collapse of the Cold War
consensus that had dominated public perception and discourse since
World War II.

_Branding Hoover's FBI_ is well done in every respect. The book is
well written and organized, its use of both primary and secondary
sources is excellent, and overall its argument is convincing. It is a
valuable addition to our understanding of the internal workings of
the FBI.

Citation: Rob Schorman. Review of Cecil, Matthew, _Branding Hoover's
FBI: How the Boss's PR Men Sold the Bureau to America_. H-FedHist,
H-Net Reviews. October, 2017.
URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=49531

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Andrew Stewart
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