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"The left-wing case against" something the neo-Francoist state is bashing,
gassing and shooting to try to stop. To be honest, it would be more
reasonable to present a case for Catalans *freely choosing* to remain part
of Spain, which is not what the actual battle is over The battle is over
their right to make that choice. The headline, therefore, is actually
misleading: it is a case against self-determination. And whatever you think
about the Catalan separating, denying self-determination in a situation
like this will only strengthen Catalan national and cultural feelings.

Worse, far worse, it tries to blame Catalans for the austerity and
underdevelopment that people in Andalusia are subjected to. Catalans should
suffer under a neo-Francoist state because the same neo-Francoist state
treats other worse. It is not a good argument. I don't doubt a good case
can be made to fight for a democratic, federal Spanish state with national
and cultural rights respected, based on social justice, but this is not
that case or even close it. And any such case is for the Catalans to weigh

In the meantime, the Catalans continue to stare down brutal repression and
push ahead with a struggle causing a severe crisis for the Spanish state.


On 6 October 2017 at 12:50, Alan Bradley via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> From: Louis Proyect
> > Thoughts?>
> https://benjaminstudebaker.com/2017/09/22/the-left-wing-
> case-against-catalan-independence/
> It's a bit "some guy pontificates about something he knows nothing about".
> The sectarian know-it-all reflex at work.
> This bit is a scream: "Why should the poor and working people of Spain
> allow Catalonia to just walk out the door and abandon them?"
> It ain't the poor and working people of Spain who are beating the shit out
> of the Catalans.
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