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I used to be in the IWW and saw how the "trainings" went there. I've also
seen it elsewhere. The problem with this entire approach is that it is
essentially apolitical. Being a socialist organizer is a lifelong learning
process. It means, first of all, being grounded in Marxist principles - not
"principles" in the moral sense. but principles similar to how they
physical sciences work, but in this case how the history of human society
works. For instance, having an understanding of the meaning of the tendency
of the rate of profit to fall, or an understanding of the principle that
the working class can only advance through its own organizations. In other
words, what tends to work and what doesn't.

But this is only the start, the foundation. The world moves on, and
socialists need to not only keep abreast of world events but to see beneath
the surface and understand how the principles of Marxism apply - not in the
abstract but concretely. It also means a continual dialog with workers -
not just white, middle-class rooted Berniecrats, but wider layers of
workers. Especially the most oppressed.

But what is this "training" all about? As we know, many DSA members are new
to socialism and many of the leaders are very connected with the liberal
(vs. socialist) philosophy of working in and through a capitalist party -
the Democratic Party. This might sound harsh, but what the training is all
about is avoiding discussing this and other thorny issues while pretending
to educate the members.

As one defense
of this "training" model makes clear, what the training is all about is
"learning the skills", not learning about and discussing the world
situation, the class struggle, politics in the United States, etc.

And the author (who on Facebook has made clear his hostility to questioning
the strategy of working through the Democratic Party) makes clear his
politics. He writes: "East Bay DSA has conducted an impressive canvass in a
supporting role for the Healthy CA campaign, spearheaded by the California
Nurses. If not for Speaker Rendon, it’s entirely possible the legislation
would have been passed into law: no mean feat."

This statement really shows the massive political confusion of the
leadership of DSA (to be charitable about it). No, Speaker Rendon was not
some accidental figure. As Karen Bernal, chair of the California Democratic
Progressive Caucus, said
it was never intended for this bill to pass. It was intended to kill the
bill in committee all along. In fact, the Democrats have proven that they
have no intention of passing a single payer bill either at the state or the
national level. They are just using this issue to win elections and if they
regain a majority in congress and the White House, they will make sure that
single payer does not pass. Almost pass, maybe, but not quite.

How does this relate to the issue of "training"? It shows that "training"
is a substitute for real political education and debate. It's a means of
avoiding political debate with ersatz "learning".

John Reimann
"No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
Assata Shakur
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