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December 8, 2017 - Washington, D.C.

One year into Donald Trump’s presidency, we look at the political patterns that have emerged on an international scale and the lessons we can draw from them. What impact has the Trump administration had on the rest of the world and what can we do to counter his politics?

Providing a critical analysis of US foreign policy and its global impacts, this conference brings together internationally known analysts and activists to discuss core strategic questions of importance to the international community. How has American Empire changed in the transition from Obama to Trump? And is Trump a passing phenomenon or is he a harbinger of a more permanent shift in global politics?

Engaging differing visions of America’s role in the world under Trump, we address issues of global power relations, resurgent nationalism, right-wing populism, and climate change. In active support of progressive civil society, “American Empire: From Obama to Trump” seeks to foster a space for exchange to build toward an international resistance movement.

The conference is co-convened by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office and the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).

*RSVP*for the eventhere <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfT6EKj73O5TmVW29omJJrXPEO_Y2ZZaKlbvihEDkAgzdQRKg/viewform?c=0&w=1>.



Location: Holeman Lounge, National Press Club

12:00pm-12:30pm: Welcome from RLS—NYC and IPS

12:30pm-2:15pm: AMERICAN EMPIRE

 * Maude Barlow – Chairperson, Council of Canadians and Food & Water
   Watch; 2005 Right Livelihood Award recipient
 * Walden Bello – Former Member of Congress, Philippines; 2003 Right
   Livelihood Award recipient
 * Medea Benjamin – Co-founder, CODEPINK and Global Exchange
 * Mark Weisbrot – Co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research
   (CEPR), Washington, D.C.

2:15pm-2:45pm: Coffee Break

2:45pm-4:30pm: A TRUMP WORLD ORDER?

 * Susan George – President, Transnational Institute (TNI), Amsterdam;
   Fellow, Royal Society of Arts
 * Patrick Bond – Professor, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa;
   former director, Centre for Civil Society
 * Christine Hong – Professor, UC-Santa Cruz; executive board member,
   Korea Policy Institute
 * Bhaskar Sunkara – Founding Publisher and Editor, Jacobin magazine

4:30pm-5:00pm: Denouement

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