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Why does an ornery lad like this get to have this terribly silly soundbite cited in both the NYT and Washington Post?

On 2017/11/23 12:58 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
... “If we consider mainstream media to be nothing but propagandistic,” said the author Todd Gitlin, a journalism and sociology professor at Columbia University, “we have no vocabulary left to condemn the likes of Fox News and Breitbart.”

And why is anti-imperialist resistance so difficult for this guy to conceptualize? Ed always knew this terrain, even if he often despaired at the adverse balance of forces.

For example, he noted that the authors acknowledged that despite the supposedly omnipotent media propaganda system, “an active grass-roots oppositional movement with very limited media access” was pivotal in undermining President Ronald Reagan’s efforts to aid right-wing rebel groups in Nicaragua. But “the only explanation they offer for this apparent anomaly,” Professor LaFeber added, “is that the ‘system is not all-powerful.’ ”

If he were to have read attempts to undermine his political values in establishment obits like this, I know Ed would have smiled and nodded.

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