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Yossi Schwartz of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency explains 
the RCIT's approach towards the "Islamic State" as follows:

"In the battle between ISIL and the imperialists, we took the side of ISIL as 
the imperialists are the worst enemy.  However, when ISIL attacked the Kurds 
when the Kurds defended their enclaves, we took the side of the Kurds.  When 
the Kurds and others served the American imperialists, in the battle of Raqqa, 
we stood with ISIL without giving them any political support.  Yes, ISIL is a 
very reactionary organization, but the main enemy are the imperialist butchers 
and their servants".

The RCIT's shift from supporting "the Kurds" against ISIL to supporting ISIL 
against "the Kurds and others" (i.e. the Syrian Democratic Forces) indicates 
political confusion.

Schwartz claims that in the battle for Raqqa "the Kurds and others served the 
American imperialists".  But the fact that the SDF have a military alliance 
with the US against ISIL does not mean they are "serving" the US.  It just 
means that, for the time being, they are working together against a common 

This cooperation began when ISIL was on the offensive, with Kobani under siege. 
 It continues because both the US and the SDF, each for their own reasons, want 
to crush ISIL.

The SDF want to liberate the people who are living under ISIL's brutal rule, 
which is particularly oppressive to women and religious minorities.

Schwartz speaks of "the battle between ISIL and the imperialists".  But ISIL 
has an alliance with Turkey, a state that is increasingly acting like an 
imperialist power.  Some indicators of Turkey's imperialist character include:

1. Turkish capital has extensive investments in other Middle Eastern countries 
(including Iraqi Kurdistan).

2. Turkish troops have invaded northern Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan.

3. Turkey has a military base in Qatar.

4. There is a semi-colonial relationship between Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan.  
Turkey buys oil from the Kurdistan Regional Government.  In return, the KRG is 
politically subservient to Turkey.  It allows Turkish troops to enter Iraqi 
Kurdistan and Turkish planes to bomb areas where the PKK is said to be present.

5. Turkey uses some Syrian rebel groups as pawns in its war against the 
Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNS).  For example, some of these 
groups were withdrawn from the battle fronts against the Assad regime in 2016 
in preparation for their participation in Turkey's invasion of northern Syria. 
This contributed to Assad's capture of eastern Aleppo later in that year.

ISIL has until recently been Turkey's main proxy in the war against the DFNS.  
Turkey bought oil from ISIL, helping it to fund its administration and pay its 
fighters relatively well.  Turkey has also supplied weapons to ISIL and 
collaborated in attacks on the DFNS.

The decline of ISIL has forced Turkey to send its own troops into Syria, and to 
rely more heavily on other proxy forces.

Pressure from the US has also forced Turkey to pretend that it is fighting 
against ISIL.  When Turkey sent troops into northern Syria in August 2016, the 
invasion was said to be directed against both the SDF and ISIL.

In reality, Turkey's invasion was essentially directed against the SDF.  It 
came shortly after the SDF had captured Manbij from ISIL.  Turkey's goal was to 
prevent the SDF from capturing other ISIL-held areas in the north of Aleppo 
province, including the towns of Jarablus and al-Bab.  Turkey also hoped to 
drive the SDF out of Manbij.

Initially ISIL offered little or no resistance to the entry of Turkish troops 
into ISIL-controlled territory at Jarablus.  It appeared that there was a deal 
whereby ISIL would withdraw from the border region, handing it over to Turkey.

However, it seems there was disagreement on how far ISIL would have to 
withdraw, leading to serious armed conflict between Turkey and ISIL at al-Bab.

Turkey wanted to control al-Bab with its own forces, presumably because it was 
not confident that ISIL could resist the SDF's advances in the area.  Control 
of the region between al-Bab and Jarablus enables Turkey to block the SDF from 
linking Afrin to the rest of the DFNS.

Once ISIL agreed to leave al-Bab, the alliance between ISIL and Turkey resumed. 
 Turkey attacked the DFNS from the north in an attempt to divert the SDF away 
from its advance on Raqqa.  This was unsuccessful, but Turkey continues to 
attack the DFNS.

Given that ISIL is not just socially reactionary but also an ally of Turkish 
imperialism, there is no reason to support it against the socially progressive 

Chris Slee

From: Marxism <marxism-boun...@lists.csbs.utah.edu> on behalf of RKO BEFREIUNG 
via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, 26 December 2017 11:53:54 PM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: [Marxism] On the new Cold War between Saudi Arabia and Iran

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