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Turkey has recently stepped up its intervention in Iraq and Syria.

Turkey now has about 40 bases in the predominantly Kurdish north of Iraq, and 
regularly attacks areas where the PKK and its allies are present.

In Syria, Turkey and its proxies, including HTS (the former Jabhat al-Nusra), 
regularly carry out small acale attacks (e.g. mortar bombardments) on the 
Democratic Federation of Northern Syria.

Erdogan has made speeches that suggest he is preparing for a large scale 
invasion of the Afrin area, which is cut off from the rest of the DFNS and 
largely surrounded by Turkey and Turkish-occupied areas.

Chris Slee


  1.  Turkish intervention in Iraq:

PUK MP: There are some 40 Turkish military bases in Iraq:


The Guerrilla resists with spirit of sacrifice:



2. Turkish intervention in Syria

Erdogan threatens Afrin with military operation


Turkish army and Al-Qaeda in action after Erdogan’s orders


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