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On 2018-03-29 21:42, David McDonald via Marxism wrote:

Hard to know what planet Jeff lives on. It certainly isn't the one where 100% of all Stalinists, most Maoists and many Trotskyists -- especially the
supposedly sane clone of the 1980's SWP, Socialist Action -- exhibit
Islamophobia openly.

I agree with that, up to the word "openly". The influence of Islamophobic ideas on leftists is a problem which leads to bad positions. That is totally different from consciously embracing Islamophobia, saying and THINKING TO YOURSELF that you don't like Muslims. If it were just that, then things would be simple, since Islamophobes would identify themselves and they would be shunned from the left.

I'm interested in uniting the revolutionary left, which sometimes means convincing others why their positions are wrong, and in some cases could even be classified as Islamophobic for instance. I believe in people's good intentions (why else would anyone work for revolution?) and I know leftists have the same ideals as me which is always against all racism. Where people have blind spots, we should discuss it out, and sometimes even discover our own blind spots. I'm on this list to win people over, not to drive them away when we have a disagreement. And that's what I think we are all here for. When I tell someone that their positions have Islamophobic implications or were subconsciously motivated by such prejudices, it is in order to lead them to views MORE in conformity with their anti-racist values. These people WANT to be anti-racist, as we all do, and I cherish that intention.

So when I say that I don't think the left ever "tolerates racism," I'm talking about people's good intentions, not the unintended consequences or subconscious sources of their mistaken positions. I do not think that anyone on this list is consciously racist or antisemitic. In fact I'm quite sure that if anyone did express conscious racist feelings, they'd be kicked off the list, because that is so clearly antithetical to everything that we are about.

- Jeff

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