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Here's the pdf version: 
Note, however, that the article is dated 2013. There is much more to the story 
now, especially with the Ortega government's austerity measures, the result in 
part of sharp cutbacks in oil supplies under Venezuela's PetroCaribe program. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Marxism [mailto:marxism-boun...@lists.csbs.utah.edu] On Behalf Of Louis 
Proyect via Marxism
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2018 3:32 PM
To: rfid...@ncf.ca
Subject: [Marxism] Nicaragua

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Among the many programs that have been developed and implemented by the 
[FSLN] government are Plan Techo, geared toward the distribution of zinc 
roofs in poor communities; Puestos de ENABAS, which offers basic 
foodstuffs at subsidized prices; Bono Productivo Alimentario, which 
distributes farm animals, seeds, and technical instruction to women in 
the rural sector; Usura Cero, which makes microcredit loans for 
small-business development; and Operacion Milagro, which provides free 
eye surgery for cataract patients. These initiatives have taken place 
against the background of two major reforms: free health care and free 
education. In 2009 the government declared the country free of 
illiteracy, having reached over 95 percent literacy in studies that 
followed the national literacy crusade (Radio La Primerisima, 2009).

These programs appear to be reducing poverty levels. Three studies 
concur in showing a significant reduction in the numbers of the poor. 
The government's National Institute of Information for Development, in 
its 2009 Measurement of Living Standards, found a 5.8 percent reduction 
from 2005, placing the percentage of poor at 42.5 percent. A study 
conducted by the Nicaraguan nongovernmental organization Fundacion 
Internacional para el Desafio Economico Global and financed by the Swiss 
Cooperation Agency and the Netherlands with technical assistance from 
the World Bank showed that poverty in Nicaragua went from 48.3 percent 
in 2005 to 44.7 percent in 2009, reflecting a decrease in both the urban 
and the rural sector (FIDEG, 2010; Pantoja, 2010). A second study 
(FIDEG, 2012) showed that the trend continued in 2011, when the 
proportion was 44.1 percent, with most of the reduction concentrated in 
the rural sector.

"The Twenty-first-Century Left in El Salvador and Nicaragua: 
Understanding Apparent Contradictions and Criticisms", Latin American 
Perspectives, May 2013
by Héctor Perla Jr. and Héctor Cruz-Feliciano
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