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Presidential and parliamentary elections will occur in Turkey on Sunday.

There are six presidential candidates.  The three main ones are:

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, representing the current government, an alliance between 
the Islamist AKP and the reactionary Turkish nationalist MHP;

Muharrem Ince, representing the social democratic/Kemalist CHP;

Selahattin Demirtas, representing the leftist HDP.

Demirtas is in prison, as are thousands of HDP members.

The Turkish media is pro-Erdogan.  However by law, all presidential candidates 
are allowed to do a broadcast on state TV.  Demirtas did his broadcast from 
prison.  He has also issued other statements, sent out of prison via his 


Demirtaş' TV speech from prison:


Demirtaş: We will cancel HED projects:


Hundreds of thousands of people flock to HDP rally in Amed:


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