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This is from the first Five Years of the Comintern, a book I read in the early 70s as if it were handed down to us like the Ten Commandments to Moses. This was the "heroic" days of the Comintern before Stalinism ruined it. Just look at this boneheaded account by Trotsky:

15. If tactically the Central Committee of the Communist Party committed a series of errors: an unfavourable moment for action, insufficient clarity in formulating the aims of the movement, insufficient quantitative and qualitative agitational preparation of the movement and so on, then the political conclusion that the working masses of Germany must draw from the March events lies in the latest and most blatant treachery of the social-democrats and the Independents.

16. Under these circumstances the public statements of Levi and others repeating essentially the arguments of the social-democrats and Independents and branding the tactical omissions by their own party as Bakuninite putschism distort its whole political perspective and introduce elements of demoralization into the Communist Party just at the moment when it needs more than ever unity and the strengthening of confidence in itself and its forces.

If after some unsuccessful economic strike in which the state with its police, press and yellow trade unions assisted the capitalists against the workers – if after such an unsuccessful strike one of the trade union leaders launched a campaign against that trade union accusing it of every deadly sin instead of condemning the yellow leaders, the police, the bourgeoisie and so on, the behaviour of such a trade union leader would be equivalent to the behaviour of comrade Levi.


Well, if it wasn't "Bakuninite putschism", I have no idea what it was. The god-damned Comintern sent Bela Kun to Germany to strengthen the already ultraleftist tendencies of the Thalheimer/Brandler leadership.

It was only in the early 2000s that I learned from reading Werner Angress what a disaster happened in Germany. This was one of the main reasons the Nazis got a foothold in Germany--the CP had discredited itself so badly that the workers tended to attach themselves more persistently to the SP.

Will be posting a chapter from Angress later today.
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