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There's lots more to this NY Times article, but here are the highlights.
The article is definitely worth reading. One question: How does this affect
the tendency for the rate of profit to fall? It seems to me that it would
mitigate it, no?

"Apple on Thursday reached a milestone that these icons of capitalism never
dreamed of: a market value of more than

"Today, a smaller cluster of American companies commands a larger share of
total corporate profits than since at least the 1970s....

"In 1975, 109 companies collected half of the profits produced by all
publicly traded companies. Today, those winnings are captured by just 30

"The difference between how much it costs American companies to make their
products and how much they sell those products for — a metric of the power
that companies possess in their markets — is at its highest level since at
least 1950....

"Apple and Google combined now provide the software for 99 percent of all
smartphones. Facebook and Google take 59 cents of every dollar spent on
online advertising in the United States. Amazon exerts utter dominance over
online shopping and is getting bigger, fast, in areas like streaming of
music and videos....

"Today, almost half of all the assets in the American financial system are
controlled by five banks. In the late 1990s, the top five banks controlled
a little more than one-fifth of the market. Over the past decade, six of
the largest United States airlines merged into three. Four companies now
control 98 percent of the American wireless market, and that number could
fall to three if T-Mobile and Sprint are allowed to merge....

"And in the labor market, scholars have linked
 corporate consolidation to rising income inequality and the declining
share of the nation’s wealth
 that goes to workers. The so-called labor share of the economy has been
declining in the United States and other rich countries since the 1990s,
coinciding with the trend toward corporate concentration. And that decline
has been most pronounced in industries undergoing the greatest


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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