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Dear Comrades and Friends

Next week, we will be holding a national conference call on the topic
"Socialism and Millenials." In the past few years, the old Cold War
taboos around the S-word and its discussion in mainstream politics
have been eliminated. Ten years ago, Barack Obama was consistently
called a 'socialist' in a derogatory fashion. Now, we're seeing
candidates running for President and Congress that call themselves
socialists (what exactly they think that word means in terms of their
own political philosophy and what their policy agenda would look like
is another matter).

What does socialism look like in the Green Party? How is it distinct
and different from the efforts of groups that are trying to work
within the Democratic Party? All these and more will be discussed in
the call featuring Chris Blankenhorn and Andrew Stewart.
Thursday, August 16 at 8 PM

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Come join us as we discuss how another world is possible.

With love and solidarity,

The GPP Team

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