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Finkelstein's article has raised some hackles over here. I wrote the following 
comment on a Facebook thread.

Paul F


Finkelstein is crossing an unwelcome line with this piece. There are a couple 
of tell-tale phrases: 'Jews are incomparably organized as they have created a 
plethora of interlocking, overlapping, and mutually reinforcing communal and 
defense organizations that operate in both the domestic and international 
arenas', and, 'The wonder would be if these raw data [on the proportion of Jews 
in prominent positions] didn’t translate into outsized Jewish political power.' 

What he writes about US politicians, with the implication that some sort of 
Jewish force is influencing if not governing US high politics, is quite at odds 
with what he wrote (quite accurately) a short while ago where he stated that 
pro-Israel policies are voted through because they are in the interests of US 
foreign policy, and that were this to be no longer to be the case, the 
pro-Israel lobby would wither on the vine. Now the tail -- and, moreover, a 
Jewish one rather than a pro-Zionist one -- seems to be wagging the dog.

Here's another very worrying bit, on matters close to home: 'Were it not for 
the outsized power of British Jews, it’s hard to conceive that British society 
would be interminably chasing after a hobgoblin. True, although fighting 
anti-Semitism is the rallying cry, a broad array of powerful entrenched social 
forces, acting on not-so-hidden agendas of their own, have coalesced around 
this putative cause. It cannot be gainsaid, however, that Jewish organizations 
form the poisoned tip of this spear.'

I feel that the matter of allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party has 
pretty much accidentally become the axis around which the anti-Corbyn campaign 
revolves. I don't believe that anyone or any organisation decided: 'Let's whack 
Corbyn on anti-Semitism, that'll do the job nicely.' It's just emerged that 
way, it's the form which the campaign has taken. There is a very broad range of 
opposition to Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party and potential Prime 
Minister, and this opposition covers a very wide range of topics, far beyond 
anti-Jewish prejudice and Israel/Palestine. That's the content of the campaign, 
let's not confuse form with content.

It's true that the broad campaign against Corbyn has 'coalesced around this 
putative cause', and of course that will bring in various Jewish groups that 
don't like Corbyn, but to view these groups as the main force behind the 
campaign, rather than to view their formal prominence as the result of the form 
that the campaign has taken, and -- worse -- to see that as the result of 'the 
outsized power of British Jews' is getting things seriously back to front and 
putting the author amongst some very dubious company.

Up till now, what I've read of Finkelstein's writings have carefully eschewed 
this sort of thing, even when he has been typically provocative in his writing 
style. What he has written here is quite unacceptable, and shows a decided 
shift in his analysis into the murky world of anti-Jewish conspiracies.

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