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could not agree more with David ---  impeachment is a ridiculous trap ---

(now -- hauling members of the CABINET before the House and impeaching them
for their various crimes -- EPA administrator, DeVos, Nielsen ---

that would be a different and much more fruitful approach)

> What a waste of political effort. I actually don't disagree with what Jacob
> states for the most part, however, he really failed to make the *legal*
> case of impeachment. ["Abuse of power" is hardly impeachable unless it a
> specific "high crime" really.] But more importantly this is a total
> *distraction* from what needs to be done which is developing opposition to
> Trump *and* Pence POLICIES. Impeaching Trump is irrelevant IMO. The
> policies will continue, *perhaps worse!* under a Pence Presidency.
> David
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