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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Announcing Socialist Forum launch
Date:   Fri, 16 Nov 2018 00:09:36 +0000
From:   Maria Svart <i...@dsausa.org>
Reply-To:       outre...@dsausa.org
To:     Louis N. Proyect <l...@panix.com>

  Democratic Socialists of America

Dear Louis,

The revived /Socialist Forum, /DSA’s political discussion bulletin, has just launched! Here’s the full announcement from the /Socialist Forum’s/ editorial committee. See below to find out more about /Socialist Forum/ and how it relates to our other DSA venues.

In solidarity,

Maria Svart
DSA National Director


*We’re pleased to announce the launch of DSA’s newest publication, Socialist Forum. <https://act.dsausa.org/go/32646?t=1&akid=15914%2E101826%2E6x6UwO>* DSA’s rapid growth over the last two years, and its “big-tent” character, has made it all the more important that we have this venue for serious, thorough, and non-sectarian political debates and discussions.

Much has also been written about the meaning of “democratic socialism” in the present. But for many years, our organization has lacked a space where these ideas could be discussed in such a fashion.

/Socialist Forum/ is a revival of an old DSA journal of the same name. It’s meant to complement other DSA venues, including /Democratic Left/ and our blog, DSA Weekly.

Unlike those venues, *Socialist Forum has consciously been designed as a space for more theoretical reflection,* <https://act.dsausa.org/go/32646?t=2&akid=15914%2E101826%2E6x6UwO> intended to help develop a theory and practice of democratic socialism for the twenty-first century. We also want to contribute to the broader theoretical and political discussions on the Left.

Socialist Forum will appear quarterly, and feature long-form essays that address a specific question, topic, or theme in depth. The theme of the inaugural issue is the question of “political revolution” and its meaning in the U.S. today.

*Published contributions will represent as wide a range of views in DSA as possible. *The editorial board of Socialist Forum is composed of members with various points of view on important political questions, <https://act.dsausa.org/go/32647?t=3&akid=15914%2E101826%2E6x6UwO> and it doesn’t adhere to a single theoretical or strategic perspective. Essays published in the journal reflect the views of their contributors. They are not intended to establish a DSA “party line” on any given issue.

Our goal is not just to publish a new issue of /Socialist Forum/ every few months, but to integrate the publication into DSA’s ongoing political education work as much as possible. We hope the essays in the journal become the subjects of robust debate and discussion, that they generate constructive feedback and criticism, and that they act as the initial steps for an ongoing conversation about our common political project.

— The /Socialist Forum /Editorial Committee

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Democratic Socialists of America
75 Maiden Lane, Suite 702, New York, NY 10038
(212) 727-8610 | i...@dsausa.org

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