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"But the biggest suckers on HQ2 aren’t New York and Virginia; it’s the other 
236 cities that bid on a headquarters they were never going to get. Those bids 
didn’t just include the size of the bribe; they included a wealth of important 
data about plans for transportation, housing, education and workforce 
development. Amazon now has a treasure trove of non-public information about 
America’s future, in addition to knowing how much cash cities are willing to 
part with to land an Amazon facility. And it got all that, along with a giant 
PR benefit from the bidding war, for free.

"If you knew a city was going to build a road in a particular place, you could 
make a lot of money buying up the real estate there. Imagine that on a national 
scale and you can see how Amazon will grow far  wealthier from the data it 
collected than even the raw dollars extracted from HQ2’s big winners. In fact, 
this was the real reason Amazon orchestrated the whole charade.

"Amazon can now go back to every city that put in a bid and offer a warehouse 
or data center or satellite office for one of its 16 subsidiary companies. The 
company will have significant leverage in those negotiations, because the other 
side has already made an initial offer. Just as important, Amazon can set up 
operations with the foreknowledge of what cities have divulged to them. It can 
build its convenience stores or bookseller outlets where cities have planned 
rapid development and population growth. It can locate its warehouses where a 
new highway expansion is imminent. It can shift knowledge jobs to areas where 
universities will soon be built and high-tech education projects funded.

"It can even potentially sell this data to other companies who long for similar 
deals, or at least start up a new business line in negotiating deals between 
companies and municipal governments.

"Monetizing of this new data trove will yield untold billions of dollars in 
value. It will also embed Amazon deeper and deeper into American life, 
committing politicians at the state and federal level to become human shields 
for the company. For example, no senator from New York or Virginia, with Amazon 
in its backyard, will want to speak too loudly about Amazon’s monopoly 
attempts. And no mayor or city council member, eager to secure that next 
warehouse, will have much to say either."


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