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Dick Nichols, in a 40-page report available on the Links web site
(http://tinyurl.com/yapj5z4a), conducts an exhaustive investigation into the
claims by the Ortega-Murillo regime that it was the target of a planned coup
attempt in April. He concludes:

"In the absence of evidence corroborating the Nicaraguan government's view of
the events of April as an attempted coup it will become increasingly difficult
to avoid the conclusion that the events of April were a peaceful protest that
state repression transformed into a citizen rebellion against the repression
itself and for the democratic replacement of the government implementing it.

"If this shortfall of corroborating evidence continues, the initial decision of
the Nicaraguan government to repress the protests, finalised by the "clean-up"
(limpieza) carried out in June and July, would make its view of the protests as
a coup instigated by the Nicaraguan right and the United States indispensable
for it - not as any description of reality but as justification of its own
choice to crush dissent with lethal force."

Valuable reading for anyone seeking the truth about what really happened in
Nicaragua. Dick confines his analysis to the April protests and subsequent
explanations by the regime attempting to justify its repression. For background
reading on the nature of the Nicaraguan government, I recommend Dan La Botz's
"What Went Wrong? The Nicaraguan Revolution" (Haymarket), especially his
detailed account of Nicaraguan politics and the political corruption of the
Ortega leadership since the electoral defeat of the Sandinistas in 1990.


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