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You Say You Want A Revolution:
SDS, PL and Adventures in Building A Worker-Student Alliance

I am pleased (actually thrilled) to announce the publication of this
collective memoir by student activists of "the sixties" and their
adventures in Students for a Democratic Society, the Worker-Student
Alliance,  and the Maoist group, Progressive Labor Party. I provided some
research assistance to the people involved in putting this thing together
and was given the exalted (and wholly unwarranted) title of "Research

Here's a brief description, along with advance praise from author-activists
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. Max Elbaum, and Aaron Leonard.

The contributors in this book were mostly members of the Workers Student
Alliance, whose formation was initiated by the Maoist Progressive Labor
Party. Here they recount and evaluate their participation in their
struggles of the sixties, from trips to revolutionary Cuba defying the US
travel ban to student strikes, labor and community alliances, and campaigns
against the war and racism across the country, from Columbia and Harvard,
Texas and Iowa, to San Francisco State and UC Berkeley. The stories they
tell speak across the years, as a new generation— from #BlackLivesMatter to
Fight for $15 to the Parkland students—faces decisions about how to
organize and build alliances to stop wars abroad, confront racial
oppression at home, fight for immigrant rights, and end violence and
neoliberal exploitation.

“This is … a jewel of a collection of US revolutionaries’ memoirs that
captures and recreates the period like no other. Each story is unique and
mesmerizing, as well as being heartbreaking and funny, which taken as a
whole clarifies the overall failure of revolutionary goals while suggesting
what is to be done. This is truly political literature at its best, rarely
seen in the United States.”
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author of Outlaw Woman: A Memoir of the War Years,
1960–1975 and An Indigenous People’s History of the United States

“An important component of 1960s radical history, thoughtfully recounted by
the activists who lived it.”
Max Elbaum, author of Revolution in the Air: Sixties Radicals Turn to
Lenin, Mao and Che

“In this collection of SDS memoirs, the Progressive Labor Party, an
essential player of sixties history too often stepped over, is critically
put back into the center of things. If there is lasting inspiration to be
had here, it is the expansive
humanity of those who were part of PL and its associated groups, brought to
life in these candid, insightful, and thoughtful recollections.”
Aaron J. Leonard, author of Heavy Radicals: The FBI’s Secret War on
America’s Maoists

I don't yet know about bookstore availability, but it is available at
Amazon (oh well)

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