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Unrelated to recent exchanges on the issue of trans rights and 
self-identification, I recently came across this very worthwhile piece on 
Jordan Peterson (probably the leading “organic intellectual” of 
neo-possibly-not-quite-fascism-at-least-not-yet, and the alt-right). I was 
struck by the structural parallel between Peterson’s treatment of the demands 
and actions of trans activists, and the way Phil has failed or refused to 
recognize the difference between verbal threats and no-platforming, on one 
hand, and actul physical assault and murder of people identifying as women, on 
the other:

"Peterson first came to international prominence when he publicly opposed 
Canada’s Bill C-16, which added gender expression and identity to the list of 
prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act. Peterson 
claimed that under the bill, he could be compelled to use a student’s preferred 
gender pronoun or face criminal prosecution, and suggested that social justice 
activists were promoting a totalitarian ideology. In fact, there was nothing in 
the bill that criminalized the failure to use people’s preferred gender 
pronouns (full text), and I share the belief that government legislation 
requiring people to use particular pronouns would be an infringement on civil 
liberties. But since that’s a position shared by Noam Chomsky and the ACLU, 
it’s not a particularly devastating criticism of the left. And when Peterson 
goes beyond the very narrow issue of compelled speech, his take on social 
justice isn’t much much more sensible than his lecture on Jungian archetypes in 
the story of the pancake-dragon.

Examine, for example, how in his Channel 4 interview Peterson talks about the 
“totalitarian” tendencies of the activists who tried to add gender identity to 
the human rights bill:

PETERSON: I did compare them to Mao … I was comparing them to the left-wing 
totalitarians. And I do believe they are left-wing totalitarians.

NEWMAN: Under Mao millions of people died!


NEWMAN: I mean there’s no comparison between Mao and a trans activist, is there?

PETERSON: Why not?

NEWMAN: Because trans activists aren’t killing millions of people!

PETERSON: The philosophy that’s guiding their utterances is the same philosophy.

NEWMAN: The consequences are …

PETERSON: Not yet!

NEWMAN: You’re saying that trans activists, …


NEWMAN: Could leads to the deaths of millions of people.

PETERSON: No, I’m saying that the philosophy that drives their utterances is 
the same philosophy that already has driven us to the deaths of millions of 

NEWMAN: Okay. Tell us how that philosophy is in any way comparable.

PETERSON: Sure. That’s no problem. The first thing is that their philosophy 
presumes that group identity is paramount. That’s the fundamental philosophy 
that drove the Soviet Union and Maoist China. And it’s the fundamental 
philosophy of the left-wing activists. It’s identity politics. It doesn’t 
matter who you are as an individual, it matters who you are in terms of your 
group identity.

While Cathy Newman was repeatedly unfair to Peterson’s views throughout the 
rest of the interview, here she was perfectly right to be confused: what 
Peterson is saying makes no sense. He wonders how there could be any difference 
between transgender activists and Mao’s China, then is told that the difference 
is millions of deaths, then denies that transgender activists are going to 
cause millions of deaths, then says they follow a totalitarian philosophy that 
drives people to mass murder. The reason he’s stuck here is that there’s no 
evidence the Canadian Human Rights Act is about to bring us a gulag 
archipelago, but that’s what his grandiose statements about left-wing 
totalitarianism imply will happen. So he must either allege Alberta is about to 
get its own Great Leap Forward or draw a distinction between Mao’s Red Guards 
and the University of Toronto LGBTQ center, neither of which he wants to commit 
to. So we get another heaping dish of Peterson waffle."

From: https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/03/the-intellectual-we-deserve

As I’ve said before, the threats and abuse being directed against 
trans-reluctant feminists by some trans activists are appalling, and I think 
their use of no-platforming in such cases is totally counter-productive (which 
doesn’t mean I don’t ever support it in other instances). But the failure (or 
inability) to recognize the gulf between abuse and-no-platforming, on one hand, 
and physical assault and murder of people identifying as transwomen, on the 
other, can only damage the left.

My sense is that Phil honestly doesn’t realize that categories like 
“biologically male / female” simply can’t be treated as having normative 
political meaning except as part of an oppressive project. “Nature” doesn’t 
provide policeable social boundaries, and the struggle for human emancipation 
is set back when the pretense that it does is on the rise (as it is with 
Peterson et al).

Anyway, this issue aside, the whole piece at the link is worth reading — a 
thorough and informed take-down of Peterson that also helps explain his 
prominence in the current period persuasively. 

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