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As most of you know, 21st Century Wire is one of the primary dispensers of Assadist propaganda. It was founded by Patrick Henningsen, formerly an editor of Infowars. It is best known for Vanessa Beeley's articles that are usually the very first to establish talking points for Grayzone, Consortium News, Global Research and other hard-core outlets for Assadist propaganda. Besides Beeley, other contributors include Andre Vltchek and Tim Anderson.

In probably what is a "turn" for 21st Century Wire, Henningsen just conducted a softball interview with Nick Kollerstrom, a holocaust revisionist who started out as a fairly conventional leftist. In 2007, however, he began to argue that Zyklon B was only used as an insecticide at Nazi death camps rather than to kill Jews. According to Wikipedia, he followed this up with an article claiming that "alleged that Auschwitz had had art classes, a well-stocked library for inmates, and an elegant swimming pool where inmates would sunbathe at weekends while watching water polo."

The interview was a podcast and can be heard on 21st Century Wire. However, to spare you the extraneous material, I invite you to listen to the portion where Henningsen and Kollerstrom focus on the Judeocide.

I see a pattern developing. 21st Century Wire now joins UNZ Review as a purveyor of neo-Nazi propaganda. These are two high-profile conspiracist websites that many leftists with low IQs tend to gravitate to, along with other more harmless outlets like Consortium News, Global Research and WSWS.org.

This bears monitoring.

The Kollerstrom interview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tIPTWbZ8TAa63FuYjLPrZxXLj6nsk399/view

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