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Andrew Stewart 

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> From: H-Net Staff <revh...@mail.h-net.org>
> Date: January 14, 2019 at 11:58:06 AM EST
> To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-FedHist]:  Feller on Cheathem, 'Andrew Jackson and 
> the Rise of the Democratic Party'
> Reply-To: H-Net Staff <revh...@mail.h-net.org>
> Mark R. Cheathem.  Andrew Jackson and the Rise of the Democratic
> Party.  Knoxville  University of Tennessee Press, 2018.  277 pp.
> $24.95 (paper), ISBN 978-1-62190-453-3.
> Reviewed by Daniel Feller (University of Tennessee)
> Published on H-FedHist (January, 2019)
> Commissioned by Caryn E. Neumann
> In 2015, Mark R. Cheathem published _Andrew Jackson and the Rise of
> the Democrats: A Reference Guide _in the ABC-CLIO Guides to Historic
> Events in America series. In keeping with the series format, the book
> offered a narrative overview of its subject along with a chronology,
> short topical essays and capsule biographies, a selection of primary
> documents, and a bibliographic essay, the whole clearly aimed mainly
> at a classroom clientele.
> Cheathem has now republished the narrative overview and bibliography,
> both slightly revised, in a University of Tennessee Press paperback
> with a slightly different title, _Andrew Jackson and the Rise of the
> Democratic Party_. Declaring that "the political climate of the
> twenty-first century is remarkably similar to that of the Early
> Republic," he sets out to show that rancorous partisanship, candidate
> image-making, dirty tricks and mudslinging, corruption and fears of
> corruption, ideological polarization, and histrionic rhetoric were
> all rife in Andrew Jackson's day (p. 11). In fifteen quick chapters,
> Cheathem traces how Jackson's personal saga converged with the
> vestigial stages of Federalist/Jeffersonian party competition to give
> birth to the Jacksonian Democratic Party and the democratic
> antebellum political universe.
> Centering on Jackson and on such familiar national events as
> presidential campaigns, the "corrupt bargain," Indian removal,
> nullification, and the Bank War, Cheathem's narrative covers
> territory that period scholars will find well trod. There is no great
> pretense of anything new here, albeit also very little to disagree
> with. As perhaps befits a student reference guide but less so a
> stand-alone monograph, Cheathem does not advance much by way of
> thesis beyond the familiar commonplaces. His copious footnotes show
> him both working very close to the sources and keeping abreast of
> current scholarship; yet he does not press for fresh insights, nor
> offer arresting authorial judgments or novel points of view. A
> prolific author on things Jacksonian, Cheathem has situated himself
> to inherit the late Robert V. Remini's mantle as his generation's
> leading authority on Jackson. _Andrew Jackson and the Rise of the
> Democratic Party_ reminds one of Remini's later works, which offered
> quick packages of conventional knowledge wrapped in breezy prose.
> Unfortunately, _Andrew Jackson and the Rise of the Democratic Party
> _also in places recalls the later Remini's penchant for carelessness.
> Stretching his narrative from the Federalist Era to the eve of the
> Civil War, Cheathem covers a lot of ground very fast--indeed so fast,
> especially toward the end, that to a novice reader some of it may not
> make much sense. By contrast, the scholar who already knows the story
> will detect a number of small mistakes, awkward locutions, and
> unexplained terms.
> One particular use of careless language undermines the very title and
> premise of the book. It is an unfortunate habit of Jacksonian
> scholars to be unusually sloppy with party names--for instance, to
> prematurely label the followers of John Quincy Adams in 1828 as
> National Republicans, or Henry Clay's adherents in 1832 as Whigs.
> Cheathem early on warns of these anachronistic labels, which muddle
> the chronology and belie the uncertainty and contingency of events by
> anticipating later outcomes. The issue is not merely one of
> nomenclature but of substance: the moment at which a group of
> cooperators find ground enough to unite under a common banner,
> especially an ideologically charged one, is clearly of significance
> in charting both their individual affirmation of political identity
> and their formal organization as political partisans.
> Yet, even after alerting readers to the issue, Cheathem himself
> confuses it by speaking of "Jacksonian Democrats" as early as the
> 1828 presidential campaign, well before the label was coined and
> years before it won general acceptance (p. 101). In his telling, the
> Democratic Party does not "rise" but rather stands forth, already
> fully realized, upon Jackson's election in 1828.
> It was not nearly that simple. Jackson's winning electoral coalition
> evolved over time (and under his tutelage) into the Democratic Party,
> but it was not the same thing. The men who backed Jackson in 1828
> mostly called themselves Jackson men or Republicans, not Democrats.
> Jacksonians held their first national convention in 1832, to nominate
> Martin Van Buren for vice president. Cheathem calls the
> conventioneers "Democrats" (p. 183), but their official report of
> convention proceedings gave no name at all, while thanking the
> "Jackson republican party" in Baltimore for handling local
> arrangements. During the 1832 campaign, Jackson himself began to
> speak freely of Democrats and the Democratic Party, especially in his
> correspondence with Van Buren. By then the words had indeed taken
> firm hold in some places, notably New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, but
> not in others, and for meaningful reasons. Not until 1835 would
> Jackson's and Van Buren's adherents in national convention
> finally--and while still using the word Republican--proclaim
> themselves as the Democracy. By that time many one-time Jackson men
> had left the fold.
> Cheathem makes hash of these complexities, and in so doing obscures
> much of the story his title promises to tell. He misleadingly
> identifies John C. Calhoun and Duff Green as Democrats in 1830, and
> later speaks of Virginia during the 1832-33 nullification crisis as a
> "Democratic stronghold" where "leading party members" like John Floyd
> and John Tyler "were lukewarm or even hostile toward Jackson and Van
> Buren" while "other Democrats" like Abel Upshur opposed the president
> absolutely (p. 168). Given that fealty to Jackson was the first
> defining feature of his party, this literally makes no sense. These
> men were not Democrats, though they had once been Jacksonians. They
> would have bridled at the very word "Democrat," since Jackson's
> championing of majoritarian democracy was precisely the source of
> their discontent with him. Particularly in Virginia but also
> elsewhere, it took years for budding party organizations to
> monopolize political space to the point where "Whig" or "Democrat"
> represented binary and exclusive choices of affiliation. The "Rise of
> the Democratic Party" was thus an elongated and highly contingent
> process, far more so than readers will learn here.
> Still, overall _Andrew Jackson and the Rise of the Democratic Party_
> offers a serviceable introduction to its subject for student use. The
> illustrations, retained from the earlier book, include some nice
> contemporary cartoons, but several that are crammed with illegibly
> small speech balloons do not make ready sense and are not explained.
> However, the twelve-page bibliographic essay has been freshly updated
> and is very good. Cheathem concludes about Jackson that his
> "modern-day significance lies not in the way in which he epitomized
> democracy; rather, his relevance stems from the way in which his
> failure to embody democratic ideals during the nineteenth century
> reveals twenty-first-century shortcomings.... The inability of
> Jackson and his contemporaries to realize the fullest expression of a
> democratic society should challenge us to examine whether the United
> States has achieved that goal and, if not, to consider how we can
> transcend our own societal prejudices" (p. 216). Well said.
> Citation: Daniel Feller. Review of Cheathem, Mark R., _Andrew Jackson
> and the Rise of the Democratic Party_. H-FedHist, H-Net Reviews.
> January, 2019.
> URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=53260
> This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
> Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States
> License.
> --
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