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ANF takes a clear position against the attempted coup in Venezuela:

"Legitimate Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, has been elected last May 
with 67% of consensus in free, democratic and legal elections. It’s worth 
noticing that Maduro defeated the other three candidates. It was not a farcical 
election with just one candidate. Indeed three opposition candidates presented 
themselves. It could be argued that in fact Maduro also won because the 
opposition was divided and unable to set behind them differences and see the 
bigger picture. But this, as it is, was not Maduro’s problem.

Maduro run the elections and won. And this is a fact....

"The US tried to disguise their intention to plunder Venezuela’s oil at all 
costs, by saying that there is a humanitarian problem in Venezuela. Indeed 
there is a humanitarian problem, caused precisely by those, US first, 
strangling the economy of the Latin American country by imposing sanctions and 
blocking trade of vital products, namely medicines, food and other primary 

However ANF criticises Venezuela's choice of allies:

"Maduro is someone hard to like, indeed his choice of allies especially abroad, 
shows how opportunistic and also desperate he is. He feels no shame in teaming 
up with Erdogan or Iran despite their poor record when it comes to human rights 
(and this is a euphemism)".

This reminds me of the saying "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones", 
given the alliance between the Syrian Democratic Forces and the US to fight 
against ISIS and deter a Turkish invasion.

Both Venezuela and the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East 
Syria are surrounded by hostile forces and feel the need to look for any 
possible allies, even reactionary ones.  They both take advantage of the 
rivalries amongst the imperialist powers.  In Venezuela's case this means 
seeking aid from Russia and other countries that are in conflict with US 
imperialism, such as Iran and Turkey.  In the case of northeast Syria, the 
Democratic Autonomous administration is willing to talk to both the US and 
Russia about measures to deter a Turkish invasion.

Turkey's relations with the United States deteriorated after the US began 
supporting the YPG/YPJ and the SDF against ISIS, beginning in late 2014.  
Erdogan saw ISIS as a force that could be used to destroy Rojava, and was angry 
that the US prevented this from happening.  Later Erdogan suspected the US of 
involvement in the 2016 attempted coup against him.  This helps explain 
Turkey's support for Maduro.  There may also be economic motives.

Chris Slee

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