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THAT OKRENT ARTICLE IS EXCELLENT _-- very much worth reading

On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 12:51 PM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> NY Times Op-Ed, May 5, 2019
> A Century Ago, America Built Another Kind of Wall
> By Daniel Okrent
> In early 1921, an article in Good Housekeeping signaled the coming of a
> law that makes President Trump’s campaign for immigration restriction
> seem mild by comparison. “Biological laws tell us that certain divergent
> people will not mix or blend,” it read. “The dead weight of alien
> accretion stifles national progress.” The author was Calvin Coolidge,
> about to be sworn in as vice president of the United States. Three years
> later, the most severe immigration law in American history entered the
> statute books, shepherded by believers in those “biological laws.”
> The anti-immigrant fervor at the heart of current White House
> policymaking is not a new phenomenon, nor is the xenophobia that has
> infected the political mainstream. In fact, race-based nativism comes
> with an exalted pedigree — and that pedigree is something we all should
> remember as the Trump administration continues its assault on immigrants
> of specific nationalities. The scientific arguments Coolidge invoked
> were advanced by men bearing imposing credentials. Some were highly
> regarded scholars from Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Stanford. One ran
> the nation’s foremost genetics laboratory. Another was America’s leading
> environmentalist at the time. Yet another was the director of the
> country’s most respected natural history museum.
> Together, they popularized “racial eugenics,” a junk science that made
> ethnically based racism respectable. “The day of the sociologist is
> passing,” said the Harvard professor Robert DeCourcy Ward, “and the day
> of the biologist has come.” The biologists and their publicists achieved
> what their political allies had failed to accomplish for 30 years:
> enactment of a law stemming the influx of Jews, Italians, Greeks and
> other eastern and southern Europeans. “The need of restriction is
> manifest,” The New York Times declared in an editorial, for “American
> institutions are menaced” by “swarms of aliens.”
> What was different about the new, putatively scientific campaign was
> that even whiteness was no ticket to entry.
> Writing about Slavic immigrants, the sociologist Edward A. Ross of the
> University of Wisconsin — later the national chairman of the American
> Civil Liberties Union — declared, they “are immune to certain kinds of
> dirt. They can stand what would kill a white man.” The president of
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology said newcomers from eastern and
> southern Europe were “vast masses of filth” who were “living like swine.”
> The Washington Post editorialized that 90 percent of Italians coming to
> the United States were “the degenerate spawn” of “Asiatic hordes.” A
> Boston philanthropist, Joseph Lee, his city’s leading supporter of
> progressive causes, explained to friends why he became the single
> largest financial backer of the anti-immigrant campaign: His concern, he
> wrote, was that without a restriction law, Europe would be “drained of
> Jews — to its benefit no doubt but not to ours.”
> The “biological” justifications for this nativism were first developed
> in Cold Spring Harbor, on Long Island, in laboratories financed by the
> widow of the railroad baron E.H. Harriman. (One of her goals, Mary
> Harriman said, was preventing “the decay of the American race.”) The
> laboratory’s head, the zoologist Charles B. Davenport, took the ideas of
> the British gentleman scientist Francis Galton — who had coined the word
> “eugenics” in 1883 — welded them to a gross misunderstanding of the
> genetic discoveries of Gregor Mendel, and concluded that the makeup of
> the nation’s population could be improved by the careful control of
> human breeding. One of the first steps, he believed, was to impose new
> controls on open immigration.
> At first, Davenport wished to bar the immigration only of people
> afflicted by specific disorders — epileptics, the “feebleminded” and
> others of similarly troublesome (to Davenport) disability. But soon he
> was caught up in a racialist whirlwind initiated by “The Passing of the
> Great Race,” a book by Madison Grant, the founder of the Bronx Zoo and
> the era’s most prominent conservationist. A bilious stew of dubious
> history, bogus anthropology and completely unfounded genetic theory,
> Grant’s work persuaded Davenport and others that the American
> bloodstream was threatened not by suspect individuals, but by entire
> ethnic groups.
> First published in 1916 and reissued in a series of revisions over the
> next eight years — all of them brought into print by Maxwell Perkins,
> the celebrated editor of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway — “The
> Passing of the Great Race” savagely denigrated the peoples of eastern
> and southern Europe while exalting the “Nordics” of northwestern Europe.
> With the presumed authority of scholarship, he summarized the essential
> argument of racial eugenics.
> “Whether we like to admit it or not,” Grant wrote, “the result of the
> mixture of two races, in the long run, gives us a race reverting” to the
> “lower type.” Lower than Nordics were the questionable “Alpines.” Lower
> than the “Alpines” were the woeful “Mediterraneans.” And, he concluded,
> “the cross between any of the three European races and a Jew is a Jew.”
> Grant was not an actual scientist. But Henry Fairfield Osborn, a
> world-famous paleontologist and his closest friend, definitely was.
> Osborn, who once expressed his opposition to the extension of the
> Westchester Parkway near his country estate because it would bring
> thousands of “East Side Jews” to the area, presided over the American
> Museum of Natural History for 25 years, and made that institution the
> beating heart of the combined eugenics and anti-immigration movement. “I
> am convinced,” said Osborn, that the “spiritual, physical, moral and
> intellectual structure” of individuals is “based on racial
> characteristics.” It wasn’t a matter of ethnic bias, he said — it was
> “cold-blooded” science.
> Other scholars rallied to the cause. Robert M. Yerkes — his name
> immortalized today at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in
> Atlanta — conducted a severely flawed series of tests of American
> servicemen purporting to establish the intellectual inferiority of
> eastern and southern Europeans. Charles W. Gould, a lawyer in New York,
> sponsored “A Study of American Intelligence,” by Carl C. Brigham, a
> young Princeton psychologist (and later the inventor of the SAT).
> Brigham’s conclusion: “There can be no doubt that recent history has
> shown a movement of inferior peoples or inferior representatives of
> peoples to this country.”
> At the same time, Perkins and his colleagues at Charles Scribner’s Sons
> published a raft of books promoting racialized eugenics. Scribner
> publicists wrote in one promotion piece: “The inrush of lower races is
> threatening the very blood of our country.” Perkins’s authors were
> echoed in the country’s leading magazine, The Saturday Evening Post.
> “Race character is as fixed a fact as race color,” the Post declared.
> “Thirty years ago,” the magazine insisted in another article, “science
> had not perhaps sufficiently advanced to make us fully aware” of the
> danger of open immigration. Now it had.
> When the 1924 Immigration Act reached the floor of Congress, passage was
> assured. Albert Johnson, chairman of the House Immigration and
> Naturalization Committee, declared that “the fundamental reason” for
> immigration restriction was “biological.” During the floor debate, one
> congressman said the law was provoked by “the necessity for purifying
> and keeping pure the blood of America.” Given the arguments presented by
> so many of the nation’s leading scientific figures, who could disagree?
> The resulting law established quotas by nation; they cut like a scythe.
> In the last year before their introduction, more than 220,000 Italians
> entered the United States. The quota slashed that number to less than
> 4,000. Reductions nearly as harsh were imposed on other eastern and
> southern European groups, while tens of thousands of slots reserved for
> Britons, Scandinavians and other “Nordics” went unfilled.
> The 1924 quotas remained in force for more than 40 years — while the
> economic devastation of a worldwide depression hit southern Europe
> especially hard; while a 1939 measure that would have allowed 20,000
> German Jewish children into the United States died in Congress, and the
> savagery of the Holocaust began; while the Nazis and their allies
> starved 350,000 Greeks and slaughtered 200,000 Serbs; and while
> displaced-persons camps stretched across the ruins of postwar Europe.
> In 1920, Charles Davenport had asked Madison Grant, “Can we build a wall
> high enough around this country” to keep out the unwanted? They could,
> and they did.
> Daniel Okrent is the author of “The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics, and
> the Law That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European
> Immigrants Out of America.”
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