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The recent laws pending  in New Zealand  is not the way to proceed.
Putting it on farmers to fix their emissions themselves won't work.
They are too much contaisned by the market and debt.

As the original article argues:
"This transformative vision for the future of agriculture is possible,
but only within the context of a national paradigm shift with the full
backing and resources of the state. We don’t have time for individual
farmers to adopt regenerative practices on a case-by-case basis. The
2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is very clear:
In order to keep the consequences of global warming from becoming
irrevocably cataclysmic, we need to reduce emissions by 45 percent by
2030 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050. That will be
extraordinarily difficult, if not impossible, without converting our
country’s nearly 1 billion acres of farmland into a deep carbon
The same one-approach  ruled by imperatives misses the dynamic we have
to foster.

As this article on New Zealand regenerative agriculture  points out :
"New Zealand has had one of the world’s highest rates of agricultural
land intensification over recent decades (Ministry for the
Environment, 2017).Over the last fifteen years dairy farming in
particular has intensified beyond natural and environmental limits
through imported feed, fertiliser and irrigation. This intensive form
of farming has caused increases in production but carries associated
environmental problems with rising greenhouse gas emission, increasing
water pollution and decreasing biodiversity.
"Greg Hart,a regenerative farmer from Hawke’s Bay,reflects on these
environmental issues: “We have a very clear understanding that where
it’s all heading is not working”.
"It is also a heavily debt laden model. New Zealand dairy farmers are
among the most highly indebted in the world with around eight thousand
farmers collectively holding around $38 billion worth of debt. This
has led to high levels of strain among rural communities.
"Steve Broughton, one of the regenerators,says: “There are a lot of
stressed out, depressed farmers out there”.Greg characterises the
situation like this: “There are two paths laid out in front of us now,
one is that business as usual path which is leading to a climate
change disaster whereas we do have another option of going down a more
eco-friendly system that is in balance of nature"

dave riley

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