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Another excellent contribution on his podcast site is with the N. Dakota
rancher Gabe Brown, mentioned in the David Montgomery podcast. Much of it
focuses on how he integrated and used cattle to restore his soil.

Gabe Brown is a clear, collected, and inspired voice for regenerative
agriculture, having implemented and seen great changes on his family's
ranch in North Dakota over time. In fact, Gabe’s A-Horizon (topsoil) is 27
in, and the soils on surrounding farms only have 4-6 in of topsoil!

Gabe is the author of the recently published and highly-acclaimed book, Dirt
To Soil
from Chelsea Green. I highly recommend reading this truly inspiring and
informative book.

see: http://regenerativeagriculturepodcast.com/from-dirt-to-soil

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 11:07 AM DW <dwalters...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There are a million things to take away from this fascinating pod cast. I
> think Louis for posting this because it covers the full gambit of what is
> regenerative agriculture and its implications for an amazing array of
> issues, of which climate change is the biggest issue. Take aways from this:
> The vegan lifestyle is not one that will help the soil.
> That the use of cattle is intrinsic to increasing the organic
> matter/carbon on the soil.
> Reason that have nothing to do directly with human health of the effects
> of glyopostate/Round Up but with the health of soil.
> The diversity in cover crops and cash crops is extremenly important.
> One of the things I like about his talk is that we still don't a lot of
> things about soil, human health and animal health.
> A truly worthwhile approach that doesn't make the cow the enemy of the
> planet. It's about HOW the cows are raised and used.
> David
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