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It is one of the most important sources of information about the Troubles
in Northern Ireland, a historical memory bank of data, stories and images
used by scholars around the world.

The Conflict Archive on the Internet (Cain) website, based in Derry, has
taken two decades to build up an unrivalled encyclopaedic digital record of
the conflict. It includes oral histories, election results, political
memorabilia, public records, bibliographies and the names and details of
more than 3,600 Troubles-related killings in Northern Ireland, Ireland, the
UK and continental Europe. The information is free to access and responsive
to requests and queries ranging from school students, professors and former

But perhaps not for much longer. Ulster University, which hosts the
archive’s three-strong team at its Magee campus, is threatening to pull the
plug. The university says the cost, estimated at £170,000 a year, is

Academics are appalled. Some say that to cripple the archive would be an
act of intellectual vandalism when there is urgent need to understand
Northern Ireland’s conflicts, past and present.

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