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The Venezuela Solidarity Campaign held a protest outside the Melbourne office 
of the Australian government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on July 
18.  Here is a speech I made.

Chris Slee


We are here to protest against the Australian government's complicity in the US 
attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government of Venezuela.

Last year Nicolas Maduro was elected president of Venezuela for a second time.  
International observers said the election was free and fair.

But in January this year right-wing politician Juan Guaido declared himself 
president.  The United States immediately recognised this claim - and Australia 
followed suit.

The US has imposed an economic blockade on Venezuela.  US allies such as 
Britain and Australlia are cooperating in this blockade.

The blockade has created shortages of many products.

For example, there are shortages of some medicines.  There are shortages of 
spare parts for water pumps, causing millions of people to lose access to 
running water.  There are shortages of spare parts for the oil industry, 
reducing oil production and damaging the economy.

The United States and its allies have confiscated Venezuelan assets, such as 
the US subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned oil company.

We call on the Australian government to stop cooperating with the US blockade 
of Venezuela.

We call on the government to cease regarding the unelected Juan Guaido as 
president of Venezuela.  Instead Australia should once again recognise the 
government of democratically elected president Nicolas Maduro.

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