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Dear Friends and Comrades from the Babylon Bullpen,
I wanted to drop you a quick line today and update you on what has become a
national news story. Last night, a van at a private prison used for the
detention of migrants in Central Falls, RI, the Donald W. Wyatt Detention
Facility, pushed through a Never Again is Now protest that local
progressive Jews were holding in opposition to the Trump administration's
policies and later pepper sprayed the crowds.
** Read Coverage in The Boston Globe Here (

There are many things that one can discuss in this matter and already the
media, along with venues like Twitter and Facebook, are alight with various
reactions. However, at this hour, there are two things you can do that are
the most responsible and sensible.
First, as a follow-up action, you can participate in a phone zap protest
that is targeting those financing the Wyatt, part of a wider campaign that
has been going on since last winter.
** Click Here to Participate in the Action! (

Second, consider making a donation to the AMOR Network (Alliance to
Mobilize Our Resistance). Formed in 2017, this is a grassroots organization
that has been leading the campaign against the Wyatt and other forms of
state violence against BIPOC Rhode Islanders for years. They need as much
support as you can give.
** Click Here to Donate! (https://secure.actblue.com/donate/amor)

For more information on AMOR, check out this great video featuring the
organization's Director, Catarina Lorenzo, speaking last evening at the
rally in Jenks Park that preceded the march to protest at the Wyatt.

This is an ongoing story that we will continue to follow in the days and
weeks ahead. The coincidence of this with the second anniversary of the
tragedy in Charlottesville at the Unite the Right rally that resulted in
the vehicular homicide of anti-racism protester Heather Heyer is not
lightly brushed aside. Gov. Gina Raimondo, a Clinton super-delegate in
2016, has very suddenly discovered the Wyatt campaign and expresses outrage
(even though the call to close it has been going on since last winter,
which elicited nary a peep from her). The State Attorney General (who has
been a little less despicable than his predecessor) and the State Police
(an infamous gang of thugs) are going to be investigating, as are Central
Falls police, and those will almost certainly be interesting processes to

Yet however things turn out here, the important thing is to realize that it
is groups like AMOR and their activists who have been doing the footwork
here for years now. They are in need of generous support from you and
friends of yours. So please consider giving what you can and sharing this
via social networks.

Thanks and Solidarity Forever,
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