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Louis Proyect wrote

On 9/28/19 5:05 PM, Ralph Johansen wrote:


           There are highly paid policy wonks and apologists for
           capital in think tanks and right wing funded foundations,
           those with control of the media, the IMF, World Bank, EU and
           transnational capitalist agencies all over the capitalist
           world, some of whom no longer think denial is going to get
           it - the evidence is too palpable - and they are instead
           pondering how they can divert attention and attack from
           those with the real power, the real culprits, corporate
           perpetrators of climate destruction, Syngenta, Monsanto,
           Cargill, ADM, Dupont, the oil and gas and transport.
           banking, industrial and commercial and distributional
           factions who know that it's either growth or death for
           capitalism, to government epigones in the process who are
           hopelessly bought and kept in place by their corporate
           sponsors. Including Democrats, those who would reform
           capitalism to save us all as well like the current pack of
           presidential candidates.

       I don't give a good god-damn if Goldman-Sachs makes billions
       from investments in windmills, solar panels and all the rest. We
       have a situation now where Yupiks in Nome are having their lives
       destroyed because the ice is disappearing--as I pointed out in
       an earlier post today.

       I have a different take on this stuff than A. O-C, Greta
       Thunberg, Bill McKibben and even Naomi Klein. I think that we
       are headed toward massive crises because neither wing of the
       capitalist class is capable of what they call "de-growth". You
       have an enormous contradiction between the 500 years of
       capitalist accumulation tendencies and the needs of the human
       race to survive in harmony with nature. As the century staggers
       on, there will be bloody confrontations between the capitalist
       class and ordinary people over these matters. Right now, people
       are fleeing Central America not just because of gangs but
       because climate change is making farming impossible.

       Against this major confrontation, we are faced with clashes
       within capitalism that we have to take a proper stand on. The
       Paris Accords were woefully lacking but we have to speak out in
       favor of enforcing them even if that puts on the same side as
       Goldman-Sachs. Wildlife preservation and many other aspects of
       life on earth need defending. It is only the class-conscious
       vanguard of the ecosocialist movement that can be consistent in
       such a struggle, not Goldman-Sachs.

       As for Engdahl and Cartalucci, these are supporters of the most
       reactionary sectors of the petrochemical industry. They are like
       Spiked Online and all the other snakes who take money from the
       Koch brothers. I don't need them to tell me that Goldman-Sachs
       is against socialism. I worked there for over 2 years and don't
need Larouche's stooges to educate me on that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lou, how could I not agree with everything you're saying? Just acknowledge that we have to confront the fact that what these conspiracists write here has substance in part, that enormously powerful people have the means and every design, not just to profit from windmills but to seize the issue of climate disaster and run with it in directions that will mean still more years of evasion, run-away profit-taking, increasing inequality and confusion, untold suffering for most of us, irreversible destruction of our planet, buttressing of capital as solution or only alternative, more of the "lesser evil," more delay in tackling the real problem, exacerbation of these enormous contradictions, and that we're kind of facing a diversion point that we should be very wary of, chilled by, cataclysmally frightened about. Then this discussion is put to rest, to that extent.

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