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October 2019 - the world in struggle (excerpts)

from the Detroit/Seattle Workers' Voice list, October 31, 2019

The last few months have shown a resurgence of mass protest around the world. 
October alone has seen the outbreak of gigantic mass protests in Lebanon, Iraq, 
Chile, and elsewhere. Demonstrators have defied security forces, arrests, and 
curfews, to shake regimes from Africa to Latin America to Hong Kong.

This year saw millions of people demonstrate against governmental inaction 
about climate change. But it has also seen people rise in one country after 
another, fed up with unemployment, lack of public services, corruption, and 
oppression. The people have demanded the fall of corrupt and sectarian regimes 
(Iraq, Lebanon), the end of austerity and the resignation of conservative 
presidents (Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Haiti), and the right to 
(West Papua, Kashmir, Catalonia). They have brought down two long-standing 
tyrants (in Sudan and Algeria), and are fighting to prevent the substitution of 
military regimes for these dictators. They have stood together in defiance of 
sectarian divisions (Lebanon, Iraq). And this is just a partial listing.

It is not an accident that protests break out around the world. Globalization 
brought to every corner of the world, not just naked capitalism but also mass 
protest. The demonstrations in country after country have their own particular 
triggers -- whether a metro fare increase, a taking away of subsidies, or a 
atrocity. But they are not just demonstrations against this or that individual 
they are mass uprisings against year after year of conservative economics, year 
after year of privatization, year after year of contempt for the well-being of 
people.  ...  They are a sign of the cracking of neoliberalism. The world 
will not be what it is today. ...

The present-day governments are meeting these protests with force, with 
shootings, arrests, curfews, and shutdowns of mass media. ...  So much for 
international law, which protects corporations but not workers. But in one 
after country, the presidents or prime ministers, splattered as they are with 
workers' blood, have had to make concessions. And in some cases, they have 
been kicked out, although the whole regime has only been shaken.

The leadership of these protests are mainly not the old trends of the left, not 
Stalinist, Trotskyist, anarchist, religious sectarian, or nationalist trends. 
In many 
places, these long-time trends have dirtied their hands in taking part in the 
regimes, or making corrupt deals with them. New activists and groupings are 
arising. In Lebanon and Iraq the slogan of the day is "all means all" -- that 
is, we 
want the fall of "all" the politicians in the current regime, they are all 
corrupt, not 
just the president or the dominant party.

This crisis of the left forces embraces the environmentalists as well. This 
year has 
seen mass climate strikes, which are an important part of the world movement, 
but it is notable that the establishment environmentalists -- or even most 
ecosocialists -- have little to do with the other movements. The establishment 
environments look for supposedly realistic deals with the corporations and 
present ruling forces, and recoil with shock from what is for them, and not 
just for 
the tyrants, troublesome mass protests. Indeed, these are protests which, 
as not, denounce governments implementing austerity in the name of carbon 

Today's struggles are not the precursor to immediate social revolution or 
regimes; they are instead important and necessary steps on the road to the 
working class gaining its political independence. This is a wave of struggle 
faces many dangers, and also faces the need to develop its own durable 
organization and orientation. If the people are rising up around the world, the 
right is also organizing around the world, while the clock is ticking on 
environmental catastrophe. We are moving not towards an inevitable gradual 
victory, but towards great clashes in the world. But so far, the working 
while uniting for a time in uprisings against  various exploiters, don't have a 
picture of what system should replace them. The old trends are discredited, and 
new trend is yet to establish itself. So dealing with the crisis in the left is 
necessary part of solidarity with the heroic struggle of the demonstrators 
the world.

Solidarity with the workers and oppressed people of the world! <>

A partial listing of countries where the people have been demanding their 
(Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Algeria, Egypt, West Papua, Haiti, Chile,  Honduras, 
Ecuador, Hong Kong, and Catalonia)

Lebanon - Thousands upon thousands of people have been flooding the streets 
since mid-October, furious at all the ruling parties and the constant austerity 
lack of services. They regard all the factions of the government as thieves, 
want all the current political leaders to quit. There are chants of "all of 
means all", and "the people demand the fall of the regime"; the demonstrators 
regard all the factions of the government as thieves, and want all the current 
political leaders to quit. They are also sick of the sectarian constitution in 
Lebanon, which divides government positions up according to religion rather 
popular support. Several days ago demonstrators formed a human chain from the 
north to the south of the country to emphasize their unity across sectarian 
While the Shiite parties claim to be different from the others and supportive 
of the 
poor, gangs from Hezbollah and Amal have attacked the demonstrations; 
nevertheless, Shiites continue to take part in the protests.

Demonstrators throughout the country have blocked roads and stood firm against 
security forces. On October 29, Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned, but the 
movement continues--all of them means all!.

Chile - In the second half of October, large demonstrations, including copper 
stoppages, broke out throughout Chile Triggered by an increase in metro fares, 
they have been directed against the years and years of austerity and against 
conservative government of President Pinera, whose resignation is being 
demanded. On Friday, October 25 a million people took to the streets of 
in protest.

Pinera has tried to suppress the movement with force, and at least 19 people 
have been killed, 2,500 injured, and almost 3,000 arrested. Pinero declared a 
state of emergency, but the protests have spread to one city after another. In 
desperation, on October 28, he tried to cool things off by dismissing Interior 
Minister Andres Chadwick. And then, shaken by the continuation of the 
movement, he announced on Wednesday, October 30, that Chile couldn't, at this 
time, host international meetings, and he canceled arrangements for two major 
conferences which now need to find new locations: the Nov. 11-17 meeting of the 
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the Dec. 2-13 meeting of the 
2019 UN Climate Change Conference (also called COP25, for the 25th 
Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change). 
Thus the neo-liberal APEC has to scramble to avoid being caught up in 
demonstrations against neo-liberalism, while the need to move the UN Climate 
Change Conference is another sign that the issue of climate change can't be 
divorced from what's happening to the people's livelihood.

by Joseph Green
Full text at http://www.communistvoice.org/DSWV-191031.html

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