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NY Times, Nov. 7, 2019
Two Histories of Financiers Profiting From Real Estate While Homeowners Go Belly Up
By Jennifer Szalai

How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream
By Aaron Glantz
Illustrated. 398 pages. Custom House. $27.99.

Race for Profit
How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership
By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
349 pages. The University of North Carolina Press. $30.

Aaron Glantz knows that he’s living the dream — the good guy who does well in the morality play of American real estate.

A journalist and a third-generation San Franciscan, Glantz has been able to live affordably in the outrageously expensive city of his birth by dint of a savvy investment in a foreclosed home 10 years ago, after the housing market went bust. You don’t even have to feel too sorry for the tenants he evicted from the house, which included the previous owner who was foreclosed on; they turned out to be grifters, having spent years flipping that house and others between themselves, defaulting on the mortgages and then selling to one another to reap the windfall of inflated prices. Glantz and his wife, then pregnant with their first child, received an $8,000 check as part of the Obama administration’s stimulus package; they used the money to remodel their new home, effectively putting people to work while building their nest egg.

It’s a simple tale with a happy ending, but in “Homewreckers,” his new book about the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Glantz skillfully tells a bigger story about American housing that’s tortuous, confounding and ultimately enraging.

Along with “Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership,” by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, “Homewreckers” shows what happens when private speculators get buoyed by government largess while non-tycoons are largely left to fend for themselves.

Taylor and Glantz focus on different eras, decades apart, but in a way that’s the point: When it comes to doling out public money to private business with the hope that it will inevitably trickle down, the American government is like the Bill Murray character in the first half of “Groundhog Day”: making the same mistakes over and over again, without ever seeming to learn.

“Race for Profit,” which was longlisted for this year’s National Book Award, covers the few years in the late ’60s and early ’70s, when the Fair Housing Act of 1968 nominally ended the government’s longstanding practice of redlining. Ever since its inception during the Great Depression, the Federal Housing Administration had insured mortgage loans made by private lenders for purchases in white neighborhoods; purchases in or even near black neighborhoods were generally ineligible. The benefits of homeownership swelled the ranks of the postwar middle class, transforming the economy while entrenching residential segregation.

President Lyndon Johnson promised to change these exclusionary practices and extend opportunities for homeownership. Taylor says that the pressure was coming from all directions. Cities like Detroit and Los Angeles erupted in violent unrest, sparked in part by the explosive mix of high prices and inferior housing imposed on black people, who, confined by racism, redlining and restrictive covenants, couldn’t move.

Even the real estate industry, which had long predicated “value” on how white a neighborhood was, realized that white suburban home buyers were becoming a saturated market. Much of the existing housing stock in the cities was considered cheap or even worthless; the enterprising investor could buy it and flip it for enormous profit, as long as he could find a buyer.

Taylor’s book meticulously documents what happened next, as the federal government partnered with a real estate industry enthusiastic about exploiting a new market but refusing to bear most of the risk. She details bungling mismanagement, gross corruption, distorted incentives, civil rights regulations that went unheeded and unenforced — what Taylor calls a system of “predatory inclusion” that was distinct yet not entirely free from the racist system of exclusion that preceded it.

A number of the home buyers who later brought these abuses to light were poor black women, whose experiences resembled something out of a horror movie — pressed by aggressive lenders into buying a house that, unbeknown to them, had been previously condemned and slated for demolition, disguised with a paint job and a “windshield inspection”; only later did they learn that something was terribly amiss when rain started seeping through the walls and raw sewage filled the basement. Taylor says that mortgage bankers valued these women as customers not despite their poverty but because of it. If they fell behind on payments and defaulted on the mortgage, so much the better. The mortgage lender, whose losses were backstopped by the government, had already made money on commissions and fees; the house could be put into foreclosure and flipped again.

Glantz mentions some of this history, but there’s also an overwhelming sensation of déjà vu that hovers over the more recent story he tells. In “Homewreckers,” he explains how a cadre of billionaires — a number of them living in the same Park Avenue apartment building in New York City — figured out a way to take advantage of another government program in order to profit from people’s misfortune.

After the housing bubble burst, the government was desperate to get lending banks off its books, and so it offered a sweet deal to prospective buyers of the banks: Those private investors could keep the gains on any loans held by the bank, but if the loans lost money, the government would bear most of the cost.

It was like a mutant version of the subprime bubble that led to the financial crisis: Rather than renegotiate the loans, the new owners of these lending banks found there was more money to be made in foreclosing on the properties and becoming “a class of landlord that had never been seen before,” charging rent and fees to tenants — not infrequently the previous owners who were foreclosed on — while hoarding the equity for themselves.

Corporate landlords are partial to shell companies with boring, antiseptic names, like ColFin AI-CA5 LLC, which Glantz traces back to Colony Financial, owned by the billionaire Thomas J. Barrack Jr., a stalwart supporter of President Trump’s. Another shell company, by the name of SPMK IV NY LLC, was traced to the Fox News personality Sean Hannity. Corporate landlords, Glantz says, are also more likely to buy properties in neighborhoods with large concentrations of African-American and Latino residents, who end up paying “higher and higher rents that ultimately transfer wealth from their communities to investors far away.”

What often does trickle down to ordinary people is the risk — the risk of enormous liens placed on their homes by financial entities that use bundles of properties as collateral; the risk inherent in becoming just another part of someone else’s newfangled mortgage-backed security. It all sounds terrifyingly familiar — and now the person in the highest office is Donald Trump, who has surrounded himself with the figures in Glantz’s book.

These billionaires haven’t just settled on a way to make money from people’s misery; they’ve benefited politically, too. Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s treasury secretary, is one of the main characters in “Homewreckers,” heading an investment group that bought the remains of IndyMac bank out of the rubble of the financial crisis and started foreclosing on people’s homes. Glantz finds a woman who lost her home to Mnuchin’s bank and voted for Trump before realizing that Mnuchin would be part of his cabinet.

“We voted for Trump because we’re fed up — like most of America — with the politics as it is,” she tells Glantz. The anger is more than understandable, but the misplaced faith is truly mystifying. Even a mortgage-backed security might be less opaque than this.

Follow Jennifer Szalai on Twitter: @jenszalai.

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