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These two statements, a week apart, indicate that there was a strong push back 
to the first statement.
                ken h

Green Party Statement on Bolivia

November 11, 2019 
The Green Party of Canada has been closely following events in Bolivia related 
to the October 20, 2019 presidential elections. A post-election audit conducted 
by the Organisation of American States (OAS) Electoral Observer Mission 
concluded that those elections were marred by serious irregularities and that 
the results should be annulled.  Evo Morales has announced his resignation as 
President of Bolivia.

The Green Party of Canada welcomes the call for new elections, which should 
take place as soon as possible. Those elections must take place under the 
supervision of a renewed Bolivian electoral authority in order to ensure that 
they reflect the will of Bolivians, and to strengthen confidence in the 
Bolivian electoral system.

The pre and post-election period has been marked by violence and there have 
been reports of targeted attacks against demonstrators. The Green Party calls 
upon all parties to exercise maximum restraint as the country prepares for 
fresh elections and to work to de-escalate the situation. “We remind Bolivian 
authorities of their responsibility to protect the people as they exercise 
their right to peaceful expression,” said Annamie Paul, International Affairs 
Critic for the Green Party. “During this transitional period, it is critical 
that all actors work together to avoid further violent confrontation and make 
meaningful efforts to engage in peaceful, inclusive dialogue.”

* * * * * *

Green Party calls for return to democracy in Bolivia
November 18, 2019
OTTAWA —The Green Party of Canada is alarmed by the rising levels of violence, 
detentions and deaths in Bolivia and supports calls for impartial 

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Inter-American 
Commission on Human Rights have attributed the most recent deaths to the 
“disproportionate use of force” by the Bolivian army and police.

"We are very concerned that the new, self-proclaimed government in Bolivia is 
threatening Indigenous rights, " said Interim Leader Jo Ann Roberts. “It is 
urgent that free and fair elections take place within the constitutionally 
required 90-day period, and that the safety and security of MAS party 
representatives be guaranteed."

After President Evo Morales stepped down, the vice president and the leaders of 
the upper and lower chambers resigned under threat of violence. The opposition 
assumed power without the backing of a majority of legislators.

Paul Manly (MP, Nanaimo-Ladysmith) said, “There can be no legitimacy to a 
political process when more than half of the members of the legislature feel 
unsafe to show up and participate. We recognize the authority of the Bolivian 
Constitutional Tribunal but are concerned that their ruling to recognize the 
Añez government without quorum in the legislature may have been made under 

"There is much at risk,” said Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands). “Under 
Evo Morales, huge strides were made in alleviating poverty and protecting human 
rights and the environment. The Government of Canada must not recognize Jeanine 
Añez as the interim government leader. Canada must use every diplomatic lever 
to ensure that authorities in Bolivia do not abuse their power.”
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