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The popularity of Sanders created great opportunities for the Left in the
U.S., which it flubbed up and still flubs up.  The chance that the
Democrats would permit him (or likely Warren) to get the nomination is less
than the prospect of Yellowstone erupting.

Should he (or any "progressive") get the nomination, we have absolutely no
reason to imagine that the Democratic hierarchy will do anything other than
McGovern them . . . that is, it would extend no more than the most minimal
support, and then use the defeat as an excuse for moving ever more
Biden-ward next time.

And if, by some stretch of the imagination, we were to find ourselves with
a President Sanders in 2021, he will face a Congress divided between a
Trumpified GOP and an essentially Nixonized-Reaganized Democratic caucus.
And we have no reason to think that Sanders would embrace a strategy of
mass mobilizations.

Electoral politics will open only after we get and sustain those mass
mobilizations.   I'm hopeful, because there's plenty of sentiment for
radical change.  However, there's no strategic understanding of independent
movements and virtually zero understanding of how to go about the work of
building them.

Mark L.
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