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The New Wave of Class Struggle in Latin America

A Streaming Webinar:

‘The New Wave of Class Struggle in Latin America’

January 18, 2020  2 p.m. – 5 p.m. EST

Online—Registration Required 
In the last several months, the streets of Chile, Bolivia, and Colombia have 
been filled with militant and confident protesters challenging their nations’ 
neoliberal austerity regimes. In a number of cases, they have formed 
independent working-class assemblies to better conduct their struggle. There 
are strong indications that their actions, along with those who have launched 
similar protests in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Asia, along with the 
unprecedented mobilizations of feminists, have opened a new era of 
working-class fightback and advances. 

Hear a panel of activists discuss its meaning for working people in the U.S., 
Latin America, and around the world: 

• Blanca Missé teaches at San Francisco State University and is part of La Voz/ 
Workers’ Voice <https://lavozlit.com/> and the International Workers League

• Juan Pela is a leader of the PTR, the Revolutionary Workers Party 
<http://www.laizquierdadiario.cl/Chile> of Chile and the Trotskyist Fraction, 
Fourth International

• Simón Porras Rodríguez is a coauthor of “Why Did Chavismo Fail?” Venezuelan 
activist, an editor at Venezuelanvoices.org 
 and a member of International Workers’ Unity 

William I. Robinson, Professor of Sociology and Global and International 
Studies, University of California-Santa Barbara

• Representative, Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano 
<https://minhpuertorico.org/> (MINH), Puerto Rico

• Representative, Socialist Resurgence <https://socialistresurgence.org/> and 
the Tendency for a Revolutionary International, Fourth International 

We plan to make this discussion fully accessible to both English and Spanish 

You must register to attend this streaming webinar panel. L 
<https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yciBL0O2S3a1hmCeuBwQLg>ink here  
Initiated by Socialist Resurgence  <https://socialistresurgence.org/>US.  For 
more information, email us.  
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