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The monopoly press, which is all the while busy licking the boots of Modi, 
blocks information about the huge protests against the 
nefarious Citizenship Amendment Act. I am just watching an amateur video of a 
huge gathering in the wee hours of 14th January in 
the city of Patna, where at 2 am a surging crowd of tens of thousands of people 
were waiting for the young communist leader Kanhaya 
Kumar. As soon as he reached venue from the airport, the crowd was in ruptures 
and he spoke about countrywide protests being staged 
by millions of people all over the country. He ended his speech with his famous 
Azadi (Freedom) song and the whole gathering was 
singing along with him. Truly remarkable. This kind of activism was unthinkable 
a few months back.
Vijaya Kumar M
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