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All this discussion got me looking at the Green Party primary again and a 
couple things came out of that...

I'm now donating again to Howie and need to look into participating in the 
Colorado primary (not until May, figured I had time to figure out how that 
works). But part of the reason for this is seeing that David Rolde is a 
candidate -- guess I should have paid attention to the debates last year and 
would have known this sooner.

It is sad/scary that Rolde must feel at home in the Green Party. Even if, and I 
assume this is the case, he has 0 chance of coming close to the nomination.

Maybe it shouldn't be a surprise considering the VP candidate last year was 
Ajamu Baraka. Both the Green Party and DSA should be a party/organization that 
people like Rolde do not feel they belong, or else they'll never be able to be 
built into orgs that are welcoming to the working class internationally.

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