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Asela de los Santos Tamayo, a prominent Cuban revolutionary, considered a
founder of Cuba’s emancipatory education, died in the dawn hours yesterday,
January 23, at the age of 90.

She was born September 10, 1929 in the city of Santiago de Cuba. At a very
young age, she joined student struggles at the University of Oriente, where
she graduated with a PhD in Pedagogy, and met Vilma Espín, a life-long
friend and comrade.

She collaborated in supporting survivors of the attack on the Moncada, and
under the leadership of Frank País, became part of the original core of the
26th of July Movement.

During the insurrectional, she carried out many missions, moving
reinforcements and weapons to the Sierra Maestra.

In August 1958, she joined the Rebel Army’s Second Eastern led by
then-Comandante Raúl Castro Ruz, who named her of head Education in the
liberated territory, where she participated in the creation of more than
400 schools for children and study groups for combatants.

After the triumph of the Revolution, her work with Vilma in the Federation
of Cuban Women was key, serving first on the National Committee and later
becoming Secretary General.

In 1966, she joined the Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces to
direct the Camilo Cienfuegos Teaching and Military Schools, and in 1970
took on a leading role at the Ministry of Education, later coming Minister.

Asela was a founder of the Cuban Communist Party and a member of its
Central Committee for three terms. She was also a member of the national
leadership of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution.

Ideals and love united her until the last moments of her life to the Hero
of the Republic of Cuba, José Ramón Fernández. Asela will be remembered for
her modesty, firmness, commitment to social justice and loyalty to Fidel,
Raul, Vilma and the Cuban Revolution.

In accordance with her expressed will, her body was cremated and the urn
bearing her ashes will be displayed tomorrow, January 25, at the Veterans
Pantheon in Havana’s Colon Cemetery, where the public may pay their
respects, to be subsequently transferred to the Second Eastern Front
Mausoleum, in the province of Santiago de Cuba.

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