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From David Diamond

http://www.theatreforliving.com/ <http://www.theatreforliving.com/>

Some of you will know that I have strong connections with the Gitxsan and 
Wet’suwet’en Nations that go back to the No` Xya` (Our Footprints) 
 production in 1987-90. The Delgamuuxw Court Case 
 (1997) gave the Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en jurisdiction over many things, 
including development in their 58,000 sq. kilometers of ancestral lands in the 
NW of British Columbia.
Although the details of Delgamuuxw are currently being disputed in some 
sectors, it is clear to me that the Hereditary Chiefs have jurisdiction over 
their Territory. With all due respect, the elected, Federal Department of 
Indian Affairs Band Council Chiefs (an imposition of the Colonial Government) 
have jurisdiction on Reserves only. I support the Hereditary Chiefs in their 
insistence on the validity of the supreme court decision and therefore the 
validity of Wet’suwet’en law alongside Canadian law. Let’s understand this is 
only ‘necessary’ inside the imposition of colonialism.
The Wet’suwet’en have recently exercised their legal rights as a Nation inside 
Canada and have therefore been under attack by the Governments of Canada and 
British Columbia, for their refusal to allow Coastal GasLink/TC Energy to push 
through a 670-kilometer fracked gas pipeline that would carry fracked gas 
through Wet’suwet’en Territory. The Chiefs suggested an alternate route which 
was refused by the energy company for financial reasons. This has mostly been 
ignored by the media. Wet’suwet’en blockades went up to protect their 
territory. The Government’s reaction was to use the Royal Canadian Mounted 
Police (RCMP) as a heavily armed (including snipers and helicopters) occupying 
force, removing the legal and peaceful blockades. As a reaction to this, 
solidarity demonstrations and blockades have sprung up across Canada and around 
the world, in support of the Wet’suwet’en. This has really disrupted rail and 
other services, having a huge effect on the economy.

While some believe this is about the pipeline, it seems clear to me that at 
core it is about respecting territorial jurisdiction and making Reconciliation 
a reality and not just lip service. For instance, Truedau campaigned on 
Reconciliation being real – meaning things like access to drinkable water (that 
has been poisoned by logging, mining, fossil fuel extraction, etc.), access to 
education, to health care, and numerous other things most Canadians take for 
granted. These promises have to date not been acted upon in meaningful ways.

Yesterday (Feb. 20) the RCMP offered to respect one of the Hereditary Chiefs’ 
requests and withdraw from the blockade area – something the Chiefs have 
insisted on before agreeing to speak to Canadian Government officials, having 
said they will not engage in dialogue with guns aimed at them. However, it is 
essential to understand, as a Representative for the Chiefs has said, this does 
not solve everything. It is the beginning of a possible solution. Prime 
Minister Trudeau has refused to meet personally with the Chiefs, a sign of 
disrespect, if we acknowledge these are, in fact, Nation to Nation 
Today (Feb. 20) Trudeau addressed the media (and therefore the nation and the 
Hereditary Chiefs and other Indigenous Leaders) and, while saying the 
Government was committed to dialogue and Reconciliation, that he expected the 
RCMP withdrawal would mean the blockades would come down and if they don’t, 
they will need to be removed. I believe he was particularly referring to the 
Mohawk blockade of a train line that is stopping train movement that is 
critical to the Canadian economy. He insisted that the responsibility is now 
sitting with Indigenous Leaders and that ‘dialogue cannot be one-sided’. I know 
for a fact that attempts at dialogue have been one-sided through-out Canadian 
history and it is not Indigenous Leaders (for the most part) who have not been 
We are at a historical turning point in Canada. I have just read that 
Wet'suwet'en and Mohawk Leadership have issued a joint statement that the 
barricades will come down when the RCMP and Coastal GasLink/TC Energy leave 
Wet'suwet'en Territory and all gas line activities cease. Having been ignored 
and disrespected for too long, this is an understandable next step. Full 
information here:

What I fail to understand is, if there was true dialogue, why the Wet’suwet’en 
Chiefs’ suggestion of a different route for the pipeline, which would avoid 
sensitive areas of their Territory, was and continues to be ignored. 
Apparently, Coastal GasLink/TC Energy has said a route change would be too 
expense. If consultation would have been real and honourable, this would have 
been negotiated years ago, instead of the route being imposed now. And true and 
honourable Reconciliation has to mean things are done very, very differently 
than they have been done.

Obviously this is evolving moment to moment and I cannot possibly keep up or 
explain all the rest of the context in this newsletter. My sincere hope is for 
a resolution without physical or any other kind of violence, beyond what has 
already occurred.

If you are interested in knowing more, the Resources Section of this Toolkit is 
a great source of information:  
And in connected news, Canadian Youth are planning a hunger strike in 
opposition to yet another oil sands development in the north. Details here:

* * * * * * *

To:  Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
       Hon. John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia
       Hon. David Eby, Attorney-General of British Columbia
       Hon. Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous Relations
       Hon. Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous Relations
                            and Reconciliation
       Office of the Wet'suwet'en
       Unist'ot'en Camp
       Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs
       S/Sgt. Janelle Shoihet, RCMP E Division

Health Professionals’ Open Letter On Wet’suwet’en
We are alarmed and concerned by events unfolding in northern British Columbia.  
Once again we have watched as RCMP officers armed with automatic weapons and 
equipped with dogs, drones, helicopters, and sound cannon and with the 
overwatch of RCMP snipers dismantled three peaceful Wet’suwet’en checkpoints. 
These blockades arose from the incursion of a fracking natural gas pipeline 
backed by Dutch, Chinese, Korean, Malaysian and Japanese multinationals into 
traditional Wet’suwet’en territories, without permission from the Wet’suwet’en 
leadership and over their strenuous objection.
The health risks from fracking are well known, including release of 
carcinogenic toxins such as benzene.  Pregnant women in northeastern BC have 
serum benzene levels three times the normal level (1) and studies have shown 
this has an association with increased childhood leukemia rates (2).  U.S. 
studies have shown increases in congenital heart disease, chronic pulmonary 
disorders and small birthweight babies in populations living in proximity to 
fracking operations.  And as we all know, every pipeline leaks. 
In addition, the CGL pipeline would feed the massive LNG project in Kitimat.  
The whole project is geared to shipping huge volumes of LNG to Asian markets 
and increasing fossil fuel emissions worldwide at a time when the looming 
devastation of climate change is literally setting countries on fire.  
Australia is burning,   Antarctic temperatures just passed 20 degrees Celsius.  
The health risks presented by climate change should terrify everyone.
The American Journal of Public Health has pointed out that indigenous groups 
are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change – “warming temperatures 
have the potential to affect infectious diseases associated with the 
preparation of traditional foods (e.g. gastroenteritis, food-borne botulism), 
zoonotic diseases (e.g giardiasis) and traditional plants or remedies.”  In 
addition, “high-intensity rainfall events could be particularly problematic, 
with waterborne disease outbreaks (e.g. typhoid, bacillary dysentery, 
Escherichia coli and cryptosporidiosis)”, not to mention the direct and 
indirect effects of wildfire outbreaks we have already seen in BC. (3)
Article 26.2, of the UN Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous People states 
that “Indigenous peoples have the right to own, use, develop and control the 
lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of tra­ditional 
ownership or other traditional occu­pation or use, as well as those which they 
have otherwise acquired.”  This right has been enshrined in law by B.C.‘s Bill 
41, as has the right of indigenous peoples not to be removed from their lands.  
But if the words of the provincial government uphold these rights, their 
actions do the complete opposite.
Despite the fact that the Wet’suwet’en have an established legal and moral 
right to govern their own territories, this inconvenient fact is being ignored 
by the provincial government the RCMP and even the courts.  Once again unceded 
indigenous lands are being annexed by force and at the point of a gun.  And 
this in turn has led to the polarization and division that has erupted across 
For these reasons, we, the undersigned health care professionals, join our 
voices with Amnesty International to call for a halt to further work on the CGL 
pipeline until the free prior informed consent of the Wet’suwet’en people has 
been obtained and support the call of the UN Committee for the Elimination of 
Racial Discrimination for the RCMP to withdraw. 
We also call on Premier John Horgan to place a moratorium on CGL construction 
permits and to return to the table with the Wet’suwet’en people.  
Mary-Wynne Ashford, MD PhD
Juan Ayala retired patient escort
Sandy Bauer retired RN
Jessie Beauchamp RN BSN
Farideh Bozorg RN
Bridie Cain LPN
Krista Barclay RN MSN CNE
Ladan Bayani-Mehrabadi RN BsCN
Karin Bergen RMT
Katherine Bertram, MD, FCFP
Courtney Blake, HCA BScN Student
David Bowering MD, MHSc 
   (retired Chief Medical Health Officer, Northern Health)
Eleanor Cohen RN PhD
Lori Dupuis RN BSN
Freda Edgars RN
Steve Gray MD, CCFP
Mark Galloway RN
Louise Gilfoy RN
Laurie Halfpenny RN
Harriet D. Hall, RMT
April Hautalouma RN
Naseem Janmohamed, MD CCFP
Shawnna Karras RMT
Sabrina Lee Levac, RN
Alex Marshall BSc, BSN, RN
Sandra Marshall RN
Michelle Martinson Lowe RN BSN EMA GNC(C)
Gabor Maté  MD CM
Jacqueline Miller RN
Joe Minifie RN
RD Nicoll MD
Will Offley RN
Penny Oyama retired RN
Sophie Pelletier RN
Carol Peters LPN
Sara Phillips BscPN
Jane Prince RN BScN
Lydia Pugh RN
Janet Ray BSc OT MD
Catherine Ryan RMT
Michael Scott Clinical Nurse Educator RN
Sharon Sharp RN
Lyla Smith retired RN
Matei Stoian MD
Christy Sutherland MD CCFP (AM) dABAM
Sharon Tamaro, MSc
Stephanie von Dehn MD CCFP
Josette Wier MD
Jennifer Whyte, MD, CCFP
Fariba Wilson RN
Ty Wright RN
 has been linked to increased rates of pediatric leukemia 
2)    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6100118/ 
3)    James Ford, Indigenous Health and Climate Change, Am J Public Health, 
July 2012 
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