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The largest left "anti war" coalition - UNAC - recently held its conference
in NY. It clams that "around 300) people registered. That means that it was
probably a little over 200 that attended. UNAC is one of the worst of the
pro-Assad and pro-conspiracy theorist groups on the left. Their keynote
speaker was Glen Ford of the Black Agenda Report, which is right in sync
with UNAC. Below is a link to his speech. It's hard to know where to begin
as far as critiquing it - from its implicit pro Assad approach to its
complete failure to even begin to understand Trump's links with Putin, and
a lot of points in between. But for those outside of the US, it gives a
good example of the absolutely devastating confusion that reigns on the
left here.

As for Ford himself, I used to know him a little bit. I had quite a bit of
respect for him although even then he showed a tendency to be reluctant to
stand up and be counter when it was unpopular.
Here is Ford's speech:

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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