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Another interesting question --- Is Cuomo style National Economic Planning
going to explode the ridiculous ideological triumph of the "magic of the
market"??? --- will there be a groundswell of demands for forcible command
and control allocation of "important resources" as Cuomo is doing with
medical equipment AMONG SUPPOSEDLY "INDEPENDENT" HOSPITALS?>   I mean by
standards of "freedom" what he's ding should be completely forbidden yet
there he is --- and American President's have similar rights --- it's just
Trump doesn't want to do it (and if he tried he's be so concerned to direct
resources to his cronies it would do more harm than good!)

Cuomo runs a big enough state that it might work out --- Don't know if
Newsom in California has taken as much control as Cuomo has.

As Cuomo's model becomes more popular, there should be a groundswell of
demands that the Federal Government do for the COUNTRY what Cuomo is trying
to do for NY ....

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