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*The Overthrow of Cheddi Jagan in British Guiana*

Cold War concerns about another Communist Cuba in Latin America drove
President John F. Kennedy to approve a covert CIA political campaign to rig
national elections in British Guiana, then a British colony but soon to be
independent, according to declassified documents posted today by the
National Security Archive.

U.S. intelligence concluded that Prime Minister Cheddi Jagan, one of the
main presidential candidates in the upcoming 1964 elections, was a
communist, although not necessarily under the sway of Moscow.
Nevertheless, Kennedy decided Jagan would have to go and urged London to
cooperate in the effort.  As early as mid-1962, JFK informed the British
prime minister that the notion of an independent state led by Jagan
“disturbs us seriously,” adding: “We must be entirely frank in saying that
we simply cannot afford to see another Castro-type regime established in
this Hemisphere. It follows that we should set as our objective an
independent British Guiana under some other leader.”

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