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Czechia [the Czech republic] arrived at its current state of technocratic-oligarchic paralysis over three decades of competition between two pro-capitalist forces and their state projects.[1] We call these forces neoliberal nationalist and liberal globalist. Each succeeded in developing its own hegemonic state project and representing either nationalist or globalist fractions of new capitalist class.

If there was any socialist emancipatory alternative, it failed to develop a popular counter-movement during three decades since the so-called Velvet Revolution of 1989.[2] Such a third leading force failed to develop so as to master counter-hegemonic discourse as well as organically represent the labouring class. Rather, its fragments were either co-opted by one of the two leading fractions, or have survived in the margins of the power bloc. In addition, since the mid-2010s a technocratic-oligarchic hybrid has emerged at a conjunction of the two formerly leading fractions.


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