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Meanwhile, over at the Mises Institute:

"The influence of the economics of Michal Kalecki on Modern Monetary Theory 
(MMT) is hard to ignore. With its roots in the Neo-Marxist macroeconomic theory 
of Michal Kalecki, MMT carries with it the heritage of the labor theory of 
value and the Marxist state and class analysis. As a Marxist, Kalecki views the 
economy through the lens that capitalism is a class society. For him, two 
classes operate in the economy: the capitalists (the bourgeoisie) and the 
workers (the proletariat). Kalecki prepared the theoretical groundwork for the 
expansion of government spending, particularly in the countries of the third 
world. Yet while most developing countries have abandoned this theory, it 
celebrates its comeback disguised as “ Modern Monetary Theory ”.


“While many developing countries have abandoned the failed approach of 
development by debt and turned to solid economic policies, the opposite is 
happening in the United States and some other parts of the developed world. The 
enthusiasm that met the proposals of free education, health care for all, and a 
fully renewed ecological infrastructure, is a sign utopian wishful thinking. If 
realized, these plans will not bring prosperity and social justice, but 
hyperinflation, economic stagnation, and socio-political chaos."


Of course, the fine people at Mises are hardly much better informed about MMT 
than many of its critics from the left, but it’s striking that so many of the 
latter seem so comfortable aligning with the Austrians.

Apologies if I’ve gone over the 6-post limit today. I won’t post any more — in 
fact, I don’t think I’ll engage around this topic any further on the list. 
Happy to field good-faith queries off-list.
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