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Date: Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 10:20 AM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-LatAm]: Ebert on de Alencastro, 'The Trade in the
Living: The Formation of Brazil in the South Atlantic, Sixteenth to
Seventeenth Centuries'
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Luiz Felipe de Alencastro.  The Trade in the Living: The Formation of
Brazil in the South Atlantic, Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries.
Translated by Gavin Adams and Luiz Felipe de Alencastro. Revised by
Michael Wolfers and Dale Tomich. Albany  SUNY Press, 2018.  642 pp.
$95.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-4384-6929-4.

Reviewed by Christopher Ebert (Brooklyn College/City University of
New York)
Published on H-LatAm (April, 2020)
Commissioned by Casey M. Lurtz

Published in 2000, Luiz Felipe de Alencastro's work _O trato dos
viventes: Formacção do Brasil no Atlantico Sul_ quickly achieved
the status of a classic of Brazilian historiography. Now it appears
in a new edition in English via SUNY Binghamton's Fernand Braudel
Center, a highly appropriate project for a work that fits securely in
the Annales school. Indeed, the work derives from a 1986 dissertation
written under the guidance of Frédéric Mauro, one of Braudel's
students. The new edition has the twin virtues of allowing the author
and his collaborators to incorporate much new relevant scholarship,
which they do comprehensively, as well as bringing the work to a
wider readership. That said, the second edition follows closely on
the first; Alencastro has not revised the structure of the work nor
modified his conclusions. Dominant amongst the latter is a
demonstration of the deep structural integration of various parts of
colonial Brazil with West and West-Central Africa and its
manifestation in predominately bilateral trade relationships in the
South Atlantic, anchored in the Atlantic slave trade. Since 2000,
this topic has been taken up by historians writing in various
languages, but Alencastro's work remains, in its scholarship, detail,
and argumentative rigor, the benchmark for an integrated sixteenth-
and seventeenth-century South Atlantic history. The relevance of the
work twenty years on is indisputable.

In the initial two chapters, Alencastro describes the conditions,
chiefly structural, that conditioned Portuguese colonial expansion in
the South Atlantic. Portuguese trade on the African Atlantic littoral
occurred early and was sustained. Acclimatized and acculturated
go-betweens helped to redirect African trade towards the Atlantic
coast, where Crown and church officials vied with merchants to
establish spheres of influence in coastal enclaves usually situated
at the mouths of the major African rivers. Additionally, the Crown
claimed the uninhabited African archipelagos of Cabo Verde and São
Tomé, establishing way stations that supported ongoing trade with
Africa as well as, eventually, shipping to the Indian Ocean. From the
beginning enslaved Africans formed a central part of Portuguese
African trade, although other products loomed large, including
African gold purchased in the Bight of Benin. As Alencastro points
out, the Catholic Church, from the mid-fifteenth century on,
sanctioned Portuguese slaving activities, rationalizing that, given
the near impossibility of proselytizing in the African interior,
bringing Africans out of the continent via the slave trade would
facilitate their salvation.

The chief beneficiary of African trade in its first 150 years was
Lisbon. Both merchants and Crown reaped profit from this and the
burgeoning Asia trade; in the same period the Crown gradually
tightened control over far-flung settlements and worked to limit the
participation of non-Portuguese subjects in new areas of economic
exchange. Lisbon became a lynchpin in the early slave trade; the city
received many African inhabitants, and shipping from Lisbon
carried--among other things--guns and horses to the African coast,
which when sold to African traders became the means of enslaving new
populations of Africans in interior villages. During the same period,
Portuguese global expansion entered a new phase which involved
settlement colonies and sugar plantation development. Pioneered in
Madeira and São Tomé, sugar plantations were well established in
various parts of the coast of Brazil by the second half of the
sixteenth century. Alencastro offers detailed descriptions of the
epidemiological and geographic conditions that caused sugar
plantation agriculture to operate almost exclusively on enslaved
Africans as it intensified in Brazil. Native mortality in the face of
new pathogens made indigenous slavery on the Brazilian coast very
difficult to reproduce, while both the Crown and religious orders
were usually hostile to the idea of enslaving indigenous populations.
At the same time, the prevailing currents and trade winds in the
South Atlantic united various parts of Africa and the Brazilian
coast; travel from Rio de Janeiro to Luanda was less risky and costly
than traveling from Rio into the Brazilian interior highlands.

These structural conditions enabled a major transformation in
Brazilian production and global trade in general, one which occurred
during a period of war and political transformation in Europe.
Portugal's union with the Spanish Crown in 1580 spawned both
challenges and opportunities for the kingdom. On the one hand,
Portugal inherited Spain's enemies, a situation that unfolded with
calamitous effects during the Thirty Years' War, culminating with
Dutch invasions and occupations of Portuguese enclaves and
territories in Asia, Africa, and America. But one of the more
immediate results was to give a tremendous boost to Portuguese
merchant capital. The fifty years commencing with the union of the
Iberian Crowns witnessed Portuguese merchants penetrating deeply into
the Spanish American empire. They especially sought the silver that
had, by then, begun to pour out of Potosi. There were many
manifestations of this movement, but Alencastro focuses in detail on
the Portuguese _assiento_ contract with the Spanish Crown, which
granted Portuguese merchants the exclusive right to supply enslaved
Africans to Spanish American colonies. At the same time, a second,
illegal supply line developed in the Rio de la Plata, where Africans
were sold for Peruvian silver smuggled through Buenos Aires. Key in
this activity were merchants and planters in Rio de Janeiro,
otherwise a relatively small-scale plantation zone, and above all
Salvador Correa de Sá e Benevides and his family, major historical
actors in this period and in this account.

The epoch, then, led to an intensification of the Atlantic slave
trade with enormous consequences for all the rest of its history.
Central to Alencastro's analysis is Angola, a place closely tied to
Brazil, and especially Rio de Janeiro. As merchant capital moved to
Angola, some of it now displaced from Portuguese Asian investments,
Luanda became more than just a Portuguese trading outpost, and more
akin to a territorial colony. European settlement there was still
hindered by a hostile disease environment, but Portuguese dominance
was asserted by different colonial groups--often in conflict with
each other--well into the interior, and chieftains there were pressed
hard to produce enslaved people for sale on the coast. While many
Angolans ended up in the viceroyalties of Peru and New Spain, the
Africanization of the Brazilian coast was also intensified, as
indigenous slavery on Brazilian sugar plantations had faded away by
the early decades of the sixteenth century. A reciprocal
Brazilianization occurred in Angola and elsewhere, especially with
the adoption of Brazilian foodstuffs such as manioc, the cultivation
of which often only helped to support further intensification of the
slave trade.

War with the Dutch after 1621 threatened Portuguese control over
Brazil, but eventually cemented Brazil's and Angola's status as the
kingdom's most important colonies. When the Dutch West India Company
(WIC) conquered and occupied Pernambuco in 1630, it too learned that
without Africa there was no Brazil, and in 1641 the WIC attacked and
occupied Portuguese settlements in Africa. Thus, after about two
centuries, the Dutch Republic became the first serious rival to
Portugal in the Atlantic slave trade. Dutch attempts to supply their
new Brazilian colonies with enslaved Africans eventually foundered,
although they remained significant players in the trade subsequently.
Alencastro describes in detail the complicated military and
diplomatic events that led to the Portuguese and Brazilian
restorations, and he masterfully traces the new European geopolitical
order that emerged after the treaties finalizing Portuguese
independence in the 1660s. The story is highly complex, but he
emphasizes the incredible agency of Brazilian creoles, or
_Brasilicos_, as he terms them, in larger geopolitical events. It
fell to Rio de Janeiro to spearhead efforts to win back Angola for
Portugal, and _Brasilico _troops seasoned in the Dutch Brazilian wars
worked to maneuver trade routes throughout West-Central Africa to
their advantage. These initiatives aimed to ensure a robust supply of
enslaved Africans to Brazil's plantations. Subsequently, in the
second half of the seventeenth century, the commercial circuits that
fostered the trade in enslaved Africans frequently bypassed Lisbon
completely; Brazilian tobacco and cane liquor anchored a bilateral

There is much more in this richly detailed book. Alencastro describes
shifting policies towards indigenous Brazilians, alternately hunted
by slavers, settled in agricultural communities intended to act as
bulwarks against Africans fleeing slavery, or simply targeted for
extermination in interior areas that were being opened to cattle
ranching. He also spends considerable time discussing the critical
role of Jesuits in establishing and maintaining an economic system
based on African slavery. Dissenting voices in the order were
ruthlessly silenced, and major religious and political figures, such
as Padre António Vieira, emerge in Alencastro's analysis as forceful
apologists for and abettors of a brutal order. Although the work
focuses on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century events, he points
towards significance for later centuries. Still, while arguing for
_Brasilico_ agency in the South Atlantic complex, he does not always
give due attention to areas where the metropolitan center more
dominantly asserted its interests. For example, the often despised
fleet system, the Brazil Company, that monopolized shipping between
Lisbon and the principal Brazilian port cities, receives cursory
attention. Nor does he delve into the reexport markets of tropical
commodities, circuits of trade that move Brazil beyond the bilateral
paradigm. That said, his arguments about the powerful economic and
social integration of West and West-Central Africa and Brazil do
indicate "Brazil's singularity," the title of his conclusion.

_Trade in the Living _integrates a convoluted political history and a
far-flung geographic area, and it makes a case for a separate South
Atlantic history following different patterns than those assumed for
early modern Atlantic history more generally. Alencastro draws from
primarily Portuguese-language archives and especially from written
accounts contemporary to his period of analysis. I have seen no other
work that so comprehensively uses these published sources, often
incredibly rich. Surviving archival records for the Portuguese empire
do not too securely support attempts at quantification, but
Alencastro has drawn on the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Data Base in
this edition. His informational footnotes often serve as essays of
more recent historiography. The audience for this work was his to
choose, but, somewhat regretfully, he speaks mostly to other
specialists. Presumptions of previous knowledge and awareness of
technical terms will make this book inadvisable as assigned reading
in undergraduate history classrooms. Given its detail and complexity,
the lack of a subject index is a tremendous pity. Those unfamiliar
with early modern global politics and society will find this a
challenging read, but those prepared to take the time and effort will
be rewarded.

Citation: Christopher Ebert. Review of de Alencastro, Luiz Felipe,
_The Trade in the Living: The Formation of Brazil in the South
Atlantic, Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries_. H-LatAm, H-Net
Reviews. April, 2020.
URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=54077

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Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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