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I am reminded of Don Fitz's review of Ozzie Zehner's 'Green illusions:
The dirty secrets of clean energy and the future of environmentalism',
which was also published in LINKS here in Australia in 2014.
In it , Fitz wrote this, which I agree with:

:"At several points the author (ie:Zehner) implies, but does not
clearly state, what might be the fundamental theses for building an
environmental society:
1. Reducing CO2 enough to avoid environmental catastrophe requires a
massive (not a small) reduction in the use of fossil fuels.
2. Such a reduction in use of fossil fuels requires a large decrease
in industrial production.
3. Current capitalist society is so permeated by the production of
useless and destructive stuff that it is possible to decrease
industrial production simultaneous with an increase in the quality of
life globally."

Fitz has pursued the perspective in other articles he has
written...like this one: 'Should socialists support degrowth?'
Don Fitz: “Rather than being dismissive toward ongoing struggles
against growth, socialists should enthusiastically participate and
point to their anti-capitalist essence.”

Nonetheless, it seems to me, that what Fitz is arguing is a very long
way from the politics advocated in 'Planet of the Humans'...even if we
take into account the developments (significant changes in costs and
efficiencies) in wind and solar technology over the past decade.
I don't want to enter a debate about the film as there is plenty of
that to go around. But de-growthing the economy has to be recognised
as an ecosocialist essential and you can't do that without replacing
capitalism otherwise you fall victim to populationist arguments.

dave riley

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