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*Morning musings*

Speculation always plays a role in science and a bigger role in art and
politics. Here are some speculations from the shower and the morning’s
first cup of coffee.

1. Trump and Pence die from COVID-19, Nancy Pelosi becomes president. Wow!

2. Trump and Pence survive, and Nancy Pelosi does not become president.

3. Obama goes all in to campaign for Biden.

4. Kamala Harris is nominated as Biden’s VP candidate.

5. The pandemic strike wave leads to teachers strikes for safety in the
classroom in the Fall prior to the November elections.

6. Tesla reopens. Three weeks later, it becomes a COVID hot spot. Workers
walk out over safety issues. Tesla unionization becomes a reality.

7. Rent strikes and mortgage defaults lead to a growing wave of evictions
and foreclosures. The Texas and Florida renters and homeowners committees
begin to protect people from eviction with armed picket lines,

8. The Democrats win the White House, the Senate and the House.

9. Ruth Bader Ginsberg resigns or dies after Biden is inaugurated.

10. Biden appoints Obama to the Supreme Court and the new Democratic Senate
confirms him.

11. The pandemic and the recession/depression recede.

12. Criminal prosecution of ex-president Trump begins.

13. It almost immediately becomes a Supreme court issue.

14. The Supreme court becomes the main issue in the 2022 Congressional

11a. The pandemic and the recession/depression continue.

12a. The new Biden/Obama/Harris administration opts for the FDR option
including some variant of a Green New Deal with a big jobs program, some
version of Medicare for all, mortgage debt relief, and reregulation of
industry and banking.

13a. The Republican dominated Supreme Court declares the measures taken to
be unconstitutional.

14a. The Supreme court becomes the central issue in the 2022 Congressional

Whatever actually happens, the new new left will emerge out of something
that could be much wilder than these speculations.
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