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"Lundi Matin cites Robert 
Hurley<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Hurley_(translator)>, a respected 
American translator of Foucault, Deleuze, 
Bataille<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Bataille> (hard to summarise, 
see link) Clastres (radical anthropologist) and Tiqqun, the journal forerunner 
of the Invisible 

This is what philosophers call an aporia, that is to say an insoluble problem 
in a given framework. One of these aporias is that the “white and western” 
framework in which we operate has been built around a vacuum created by the 
exclusion of entire parts of humanity. In this specific case, it is black. So 
when black people “go into action”, it is this very void that is revealed. I 
believe that is why the situation is considered to be “revolutionary”. What is 
incredible in this sequence is that it is not the only void, not the only 
nothingness that emerges, insofar as we manage to conceive different types of 

The current situation certainly looks a lot like the previous uprisings and 
waves of riots. We obviously think of the reactions that followed the beating 
of Rodney King. What seems to me different today, however, is that there is no 
longer any liberal consensus linked to the idea of ​​social progress associated 
with it. As I said, the participants operate in the middle of a sort of void, 
no one believes that repairing it is possible. This as such produces massive 
anger. We see hundreds of potential killers amongst  the police attacking us on 
the streets and so even if “justice” were obtained for George Floyd, it would 
only represent a brief respite that would last only a day or so a week at most. 
The intensity of the situation probably also owes a lot to the management of 
covid19 and the pathetic prospect of the next elections.

Lundi Matin, Heirs of the Situationist International, on the US Protests. | 
With a background in situationism, and council communism, not to mention a 
claim to the traditions of Socialisme ou Barbarie, the review is keen to stress 
the difference between long-term organised political activists (‘integrated’ 
into the ‘system’) and youth in revolt, ” militants minoritaires mais 
“responsables” à la masse jeune et énergique qui impulse la révolte.” and ...

Andrew Coates
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