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Here is another article written by an advocate of Modern Monetary Theory.
Those advocates seem to be saying that this is a panacea - simply keep
printing up and spending money because debt doesn't matter. Debt might not
matter, but money supply does. As the author writes, "If any government
tries to spend too much into an economy that’s already running at full
speed, inflation will accelerate. So there are limits. However, the limits
are not in our government’s ability to spend money or to sustain large
deficits. What M.M.T. does is distinguish the real limits from wrongheaded,
self-imposed constraints."

Yes, just the tiny little detail of inflation. Maybe my age is showing, but
I remember the good old days of the late 1970s, when unemployment and
inflation were both high. Inflation was in double digits and rising. It was
called "stagflation". So, it doesn't even require low unemployment to send
the economy into an inflationary spiral. And in fact, we have already seen
rampant inflation in recent years - in both the stock market and in real
estate values. These are the two arenas in which the more wealthy invest
their dollars. The lower 2/3, struggling to get by, haven't seen much
inflation in what they purchase, because they don't purchase much.

Even there, though, inflation has been a lot more than what they admit. One
of the things they did was, starting in 1980, change the way inflation was
calculated. If we used that previous method, we'd be seeing inflation of
about about 7% right now. See:

John Reimann
*“Science and socialism go hand-in-hand.” *Felicity Dowling
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